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Course Development

We collaborate with faculty to provide guidance on how to improve existing courses, or develop new ones, with an emphasis on the following services:

Syllabus Design

Syllabus Design

We collaborate with faculty to provide guidance on how to improve existing courses or develop new ones.

Course Development

Course-Mapping & Alignment

We assist with mapping your course goals and learning outcomes to ensure there is alignment with course materials, activities, and assessments.

Online & Hybrid Course Design

Online & Hybrid Course Design

We assist with modifying courses taught in person to be taught in other modalities such as synchronous online and hybrid.

people seated at a large desk/table working with circuitry and wiring

Instructional Technologies

We provide guidance and suggestions regarding the effective use of instructional technologies to support your teaching and learning goals.

people working with pipettes on small objects on trays

Assessment Strategies

We assist with providing suggestions on how to assess student learning to promote academic honesty, use authentic assessment methods, and effectively design tests/quizzes.

individuals seated at desks in a circle in a classroom

Accessibility & Universal Design

We provide recommendations and resources to ensure your course is designed to be accessible to all learners.

person presenting in front of a projection

Visual Design & Usability

We help you modify course templates to enhance the visual design and usability of your courses.

people dancing in unison with someone directing them blurred at the front of the image

Student Engagement & Active Learning

We work to improve student engagement in your courses and promote active learning.

people seated while working on desktop computers

Multimedia Production

We provide guidance on how to produce DIY videos and assist faculty in the creation of high-quality multimedia resources.