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Mignon Montpetit

Associate Professor of Psychology

Office Number:
Center for Natural Science, C010b (309) 556-3365
Office Hours:

Mon: 9-10 a.m., 11:40 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Wed: 9-10 a.m.
Mignon Montpetit


Ph.D., University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN)
Postdoctoral Research, University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN)

Research Interests

Adult development and aging
Stress and coping (e.g., personality, social support, community factors)
Research methods and statistics
Cultural influences on development

Classes Taught at IWU

General Psychology
Lifespan Development
Mental Health and Aging
Research Methods

Departmental Roles

Faculty advisor for Best Buddies and Titan Catholic