Example Course Plan
Psychology Course Plan (first 3 semesters)
This is an example course plan based on the 2023-2024 University Catalog; your actual schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty
advisor will work with you to select appropriate courses.
As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester
towards completing graduation requirements using the MyIWU degree audit tool.
Fall Semester
- PSYC 100 General Psychology (LSI)
- Psych majors should take Section 1 with Dr. Themanson for Fall 2024 (If full, take section 2, 3, or 4 instead). If student has a 3, 4, or 5 on the AP exam, they should take one of the following Psyc classes instead: 212, 251, 259. If ALL are full, email with the class the student wants and she will allow them in (one per student please).
- Gateway Colloquium
- Neur 110 or Biology 107. Important: Students should only take the Bio 107 option if interested in medical school, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, or some other medical field.
- General education, foreign language, or a 200 level psychology course if there are openings.
Spring Semester
- Choose two of the following psychology courses:
- PSYC 211 Learning & Conditioning
- PSYC 212 Perception/ Cognition
- PSYC 213 Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 251 Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 253 Lifespan and Development
- PSYC 259 Social Psychology
- General education
- General education
May Term
Fall Semester
- Choose one of the following psychology courses:
- Psych 227 Statistics
- Second language course (if needed)
- General education
Study Abroad
For students interested in studying abroad, the recommended semester(s) is: fall or spring, second or third year.
Additional Information
- It is recommended that students wait until their sophomore year to take PSYC 227 (though exceptions are possible). If students have questions they should contact a psychology faculty member.
- Students who come in with AP Statistics credit should bring in their syllabus and discuss this with a member of the Psychology faculty to determine if they should take 227 (statistics).