Equipment List
Equipment List for:
In Physics:
The Mark Evans Observatory:
- 11-inch aperture Schmidt-Cass telescope, CCD camera
Research Level Instrumentation:
- Very Low Noise Voltage Preamplifier (Stanford Research Systems SR560)
- 100 kHz Dual Channel Programmable Filter, with GPIB (Stanford Research Systems SR650)
- Programmable High Voltage Supply, 0 - 5 kV (positive or negative polarity), low output ripple, GPIB (Stanford Research Systems SR350)
- Programmable Digital SourceMeter, 10 pA - 1 Amp sourcing, low noise (Keithley 2400), GPIB
- Liquid Helium Level Sensor and Meter (American Magnetics 110A)
- 20-Channel Scanning Multimeter (Keithley 2000-20), GPIB
- NanoVoltmeter/Micro-Ohm Meter (HP 34420A), GPIB
- Lock-In Amplifier (PAR 7260 250 kHz Digital Dual-Phase), GPIB
- RF Generator (HP-8647A, Freq Range 250 kHz - 1 GHz), GPIB
- Sweep Oscillator (HP-8620A, Freq Range 0.1 - 2 GHz), GPIB
- 500 MHz Digital Scope (HP 54615B, w/ FFT module), GPIB
- Spectrum Analyzer (200 kHz bandwidth)
- Electrometers (Keithley 614)
- Tenma Universal Test Centers (Freq. Counter, Func. Gen., Power Supply, DMM)
- Low-noise High Voltage Power Supply (Oxford Instruments TC 952A), GPIB
- Graphics Plotter with GPIB Control (HP-9872B)
- Electromagnets (Multiple, including programmable)
- Bell Gaussmeters (Longitudinal & Transverse)
- Cryogenics & Vacuum:
- Helium-3 Cryostat, with hermitically-sealed pump and manifold
- Liquid Helium Research Dewar, with superinsulation, with baffle insert; for pumping bath below 1.5 K (Precision Cryogenics)
- Ruthenium Oxide Thermometers, calibrated down to 0.050K (Scientific Instruments)
- "Mr. SQUID" (a Superconducting QUantum Interference Device)
- Lakeshore 340 Temperature Controller, with GPIB and expansion card for two additional inputs
- Insertion Cryostat (goes to 4.2 K)
- Closed-cycle Helium Cryostat w/ Optical Access (goes to 10 K)
- MMR channel-plate cooler (goes down to 80 K, low vibration)
- (Glass Dewars, some with "fingers" for insertion into magnet)
- Leak Detector/Vacuum Station (with cold head and Calibrated Leak)
- Diffusion & Mechanical Pumps
- Plasma Chamber
- Single Wafer Spin Processor, with High Speed Option (up to 8000 rpm) and Controller (Laurell Technologies WS-400-A6NPP-Lite)
- 1200 °C Tube Furnace (Lindberg Type 55035, 1-inch tube diameter)
- 1100 °C Box Furnace
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope & Atomic Force Microscope/Magnetic Force Microscope/Friction-Force
Microscope--Fully Upgraded
- A variety of AFM & MFM cantilevers
- Bungee-based Vibration Isolation system
- 3' x 5' TMC Vibration Isolation Air-Table & associated components
- Holographic Optical Tweezer Apparatus (Home-built)
- Raman Spectrometer (Chromex 250 Raman One Imaging Spectrograph w/ optical fiber probe & SBIG ST-6 CCD Camera)
- High-Resolution Germanium Gamma Ray Detector, with dewar (Canberra GR-1020)
- Spectrum Analyzer (Coherent 240)
- A Scanning monochromator
- Hamamatsu x8267 programmable phase modulator
- 5-Watt Coherent Verdi-V5, CW, 532 nm laser
- 20 mW He-Ne laser
- 10 mW Hughes He-Ne lasers
- (6) 5 mW Spectra-Physics lasers
- Several high intensity UV sources (Xenon and Mercury arcs), including Deep UV
- HP "Zeeman split" lasers
- (2) Green Lasers
- Multiple Diode Lasers (w/ collimating optics)
- Photometers and Laser Power Meters
- Research Spectrometers and Spectrographs
- Spherometers (to measure radius of curvature of lenses)
- Camcorder: Panasonic AG-195 P
- VCR: Panasonic PV-4409
- Digital Video Microscopy Suite:
- Olympus IX71 Inverted Research Microscope System with Analog and Digital CCD Cameras
- Yunnan XSB 411 with Sony SSC-C350 Color CCD Camera
- High Numerical Aperture Objectives
- Research-level Data Acquisition Computers
- Silicon Graphics 320 Visual Workstation (multi-processors, 800 Mb RAM)
- Fast DAQ Cards (Data Aquisition Cards), both 12-bit 500 kSa/s and 16-bit 100 kSa/s
- GPIB Data Acquisition (General Purpose Interface Bus)
- GPIB-to-RS-232 Adapter
- Video Capture/Frame Grabbers (IMAQ card, WinVision 2307 card, G3 cards)
- LabVIEW (Virtual Instruments)
- KaleidaGraph, Scientist (Curve-fitting software)
- Mathematica Site License
- IDL for image analysis
- PhotoShop, PhotoFinish
- ANSYS Finite Element Analysis Software and CAD Programs
- Microsoft Visual Studio Site License (includes Visual Basic, C++, J++, etc)
General Facilities:
- Sun Workstations -- These include Mathematica, Fortran, C, C++, etc.; moving to adopt IDL for image analysis.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) lab:
- An "Environmental" SEM, usable at pressures as high as 2 Torr, with External Scan Control (for e-beam lithography)
- Gold/Palladium Sputter Coater
- Critical Point Dryer
- Large Working Distance Optical Zoom Microscope
- Darkroom
- JEOL Eclipse 270 MHz FT-NMR
In Biology:
- Micromanipulators:
- Zoom Microscopes
- Video-Linked Microscope
- Wild Dissecting Microscope: A research grade dissecting microscope
- Leitz Microscope: A research grade microsope with the capability of differential- interference contrast microscopy that is equipped with an automatic camera
- In Animal Physiology - stimulators, transducers, and recording equipment, virtual instruments on a Power Macintosh
- In Developmental Biology - Nikon microscopes, a surgical dissecting microscope and other equipment necessary for various microsurgical techniques
- In General Biology - Compound light microscopes (Nikon) and dissecting microscopes
- In Molecular Biology - refrigerated centrifuge, an ultracold freezer, several constant temperature water baths, a shaking growth incubator, micropipettors, submarine gel electrophoresis equipment, DNA sequencing equipment, and electrophoresis equipment for SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis
- In Plant Biology - Nikon Microscopes and Meiji Dissecting Scopes, constant temperature incubators and a shaking water bath incubator.
In Chemistry:
- Old Varian Anaspec EM360 NMR spectrometer (60 MHz; Ask for it for MRFM)
- Refractometer (Bauch & Lomb)
- 1100 °C Box Furnace (Blue M)
- Labline VACUUM Furnace
- (3) High Pressure Hydrogenation Chambers
- Oxygen tank & blowtorch
- Labconco Glove Box (currently empty)
- Thermal Conductivity Detectors
- Lotsa Chart Recorders (e.g., HP 7040A)
- High Voltage DC Power Supply (1-3000V, 20 mA)
- Several high intensity UV sources (Xenon and Mercury arcs)
- UV Chamber ("Photochemical Reactor") Southern New England UV Co
- RPR-100 (doesn't have the Deep UV)
- UV "Visualization" chamber
- UV-Visible Spectrophotometer w/ Cell Temperature Control (Shimadzu UV-1601)
- Melting Point Apparatus
- Brinkman Rotavapor (Evaporate w/o boiling)
- New Welch DuoSeal 1450 Mechanical Pump
- PAR Model 174A Polarographic Analyzer (Potential Scan; Microelectrodes)
- Varian Model 1100 Atomic Absorption/Flame Emission Spectrophotometer (due to be replaced; not a trace method, needs 5-10 ml soln w/ 5-10 ppm; won't work w/ all metals (it depends upon whether we have the right lamp for it, although we can buy more - at $300-$500 per lamp)
- Mattson Genesis Series FT-IR (also have a slower Dispersive IR)
- Cary Model 1 BIO UV-Vis (transmission) Spectrophotometer
- Jarrell Ash Motorized Monochrometer
- Old UV monochrometer (Beckman Model DU)
- Perkin Elmer LS50 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer (UV/Vis; has "front-surface" attachment)
- Liquid Chromatography Systems (separate by differential solubility/absorption onto silica gel, mostly organics)
- Hewlett-Packard Model 1090 High Performance LC
- Waters Assoc. LC w/ M45 and M6000A pumps, 441 Absorbance detector and 680 Gradient Controller (this one is better than the HP 1090)
- Gas Chromatographs (separate by vapor pressure)
- HP 5890A Dual Column GC w/ TCD and Flame Ionization detectors
- HP 6890 GC equipped with an NPD detector
- HP 6890 GC equipped with an Electron Capture detector
- HP 6890 GC equipped with an Mass Selective Detector (GC-MS)
- 2 GowMac Series 350 GCs
- Temp. Bath (Heat or Cool) -- Precision R40 GCA, Forma 2095-2
- Sterilizer
- Pope LN2 Dewar