Example Course Plan
Physics Course Plan (first 3 semesters)
This is an example course plan based on the 2022-2023 University Catalog; your actual
schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to
select appropriate courses.
As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester
towards completing graduation requirements using the MyIWU degree audit tool.
Fall Semester
- PHYS 105 (lecture and lab) Physics I - Mechanics (PSL) *
- MATH 176 Calculus I (FR)**
- Gateway Colloquium
- Second Language Course or Computer Science or Chemistry
- Physical Education (PEX)
*All Pre-Engineering students and all Physics majors should normally enroll in PHYS 105 during their first semester and PHYS 106 during their second semester. Students with especially strong backgrounds in physics and mathematics may, after consultation with the department, begin with 207. Anyone interested in this option should contact the Department Chair.
** Calculus I (Math 176) is a co-requisite for Phys105. But if the student has a strong high school background in algebra and trigonometry, this corequisite can be waived by the department chair.
Spring Semester
- PHYS 106 (lecture and lab) Physics II - Electricity, Magnetism and Optics
- MATH 177 Calculus II
- General Education Course (or Gateway if not completed in the Fall)
- Second Language Course or Computer Science or Chemistry
- Physical Education (PEY)
May Term
- Optional
Study Abroad
Students interested in studying abroad should consult with a faculty member in the Department of Physics to decide what semester(s) would be most appropriate.
Additional Information
- Students who have difficulty registering for either the required physics or calculus courses should contact the Chair.
- Students who are planning to double major in Physics and Secondary Education should also follow the Physics/Secondary Education Course Plan.