About the Department
As a physicist, you will study the patterns and connections among the fundamental forces of nature and develop simple and contemporary explanations for complex natural phenomena.
Physics is the basis for developing and exploring technology and engineering in areas as diverse as electronics, medicine, telecommunications, computers, and nuclear energy.
The physics program at Illinois Wesleyan offers solid preparation for anyone interested in becoming a scientist, a professor, an engineer, or an applied physicist.
Above all, you will learn how to learn, in the manner of a careful, thoughtful, well-educated citizen.
You will benefit from our University-wide emphasis on the liberal arts, which we see as an uncompromising search for truth and beauty.
From the first year onward, great emphasis is placed on extensive experimental work.In fact, the physics curriculum at Illinois Wesleyan is as much a hands-on, experiment-based investigation as it is a theoretical discipline.
Prof. Gabe Spalding is the recipient of the 2014 Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara
Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction.
Andy Ding'2017 was honored with an outstanding undergraduate research award by the American Physical
Society (APS) at its annual March Meeting.
(More News About Our Current Students Here.)
Krsytyna Lopez'17 making a Quadrant Photodiode detector
module during her Experimental Physics May Term class.
Numerous opportunities for student-faculty collaborative research contribute greatly to the development of our physics majors.
Physics Department
Narendra Jaggi, Chair
P.O. Box 2900
Bloomington, IL 61702-2900
Phone: (309) 556-3060
njaggi@ iwu.edu