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English Faculty

Joanne Diaz

Joanne Diaz

Isaac Funk Endowed Professor of English
Creative writing--poetry, early modern literature

When she’s not busy writing poems, Professor Diaz can be found chasing down the dropped “R” in the Boston accent.

Anastasia Klimchynskaya

Anastasia Klimchynskaya

Visiting Assistant Professor of English
James Plath

James Plath

R. Forrest Colwell Endowed Professor of English
Journalism, creative writing--fiction, film, American literature since 1850

Professor Plath ran with the bulls in Pamplona and was the featured scholar on a Travel Channel show, “Hemingway in Key West.”

Brandi Reissenweber

Brandi Reissenweber

Associate Professor of English
Creative writing--fiction

Living in Jack Kerouac’s former home, traveling across Sudan, or exploring local trails in search of a quiet spot, Professor Reissenweber always can be seen with a good book.

Juan Rodríguez Barrera

Juan Rodríguez Barrera

Assistant Professor of English
American literature with specializations in multicultural, African American, and radical literatures.

Few things inspire Professor Rodríguez Barrera more than when his students discover that literature can be both an instrument for poltical critique and a means to envision what proletarian author Tillie Olsen once called the "not yet in the now."

Michael Theune

Michael Theune

Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of English and Chair of English
Creative writing--poetry, contemporary American poetry, British romanticism

Professor Theune’s love of surprises—in jokes, mysteries, The Prestige has led him, often with student assistants, to explore the art of the twist in poetry.

Adjunct Assistant Professors

Diana Jaher


Adjunct Instructors

Carol Lind
Kathryn Kerr
Kathleen Zurkowski


Professors Emeriti

Mary Ann Bushman
Barbara Bowman
Robert Bray
Lynn DeVore
Pamela Muirhead
Kathie O'Gorman
Alison Sainsbury
Dan Terkla



Michael Theune headshot

Michael Theune - Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of English and Chair of English

Department - English