International and Global Studies Course Offerings
INST 222/322 - International Human Rights: An Introduction (AV)
In this course, we will examine some of the basic theories that have defined the study of human rights and then explore issues involving rights violations as they involve mass violence, poverty, and inaccessibility to basic health care. We also investigate international efforts to redress human rights abuses such as the workings of truth and reconciliation commissions and international criminal courts. Offered every other year.
INST 240 - Thinking Globally: An Introduction (CHC, G)
An examination from a global perspective of the major forces that have shaped and continue to influence our world. The course does not attempt exhaustive coverage of global problems, issues, and twentieth century history, but instead attempts to provide an interpretive framework for understanding those issues and problems. Offered each spring. This class is a core requirement for all majors and minors in the International and Global Studies Program.
INST 260/360 - Global Cinema (IT, G)
An analysis of global films as aesthetic and cultural artifacts that portray attitudes, philosophies, values, and lifestyles of particular socio-cultural groups. The class explores different cinematic traditions and styles paying special attention to how global issues of diversity, identityand inequity are articulated in transnational films. Offered every other year.
INST 270 - Special Topics
An interdisciplinary course with variable content depending on the particularaspects of the international experience selected for study. Emphasis may be directed towards a country, region or theme. See current Program of Classes to determine if this course fulfills general education requirements. Offered occasionally
INST 330 - The Legacy of the Spanish Civil War (IT, G)
The class explores the legacy of the Spanish CivilWar (1936-39) analyzing the complex and nuanced relationship between history and memory, and howcontemporary Spanish society has dealt with the historical trauma of the civil war, the dictatorship that ensued,and the negotiated transition to democracy in the 1970s. May Term travel course, offered every other year, (Barcelona, Spain).
INST 370 - Special Topics
An examination at the advanced level of selected international topics not covered in international and global studies courses. Course content varies depending upon the topic, which may be directed toward a country, region or theme. See current Program of Classes in myiwu to determine if this course fulfills general education requirements. Offered occasionally.
INST 373 - Education and International Development (CSI, W, G)
Throughout the world, enhanced educational opportunity has been viewed as an important means of improving people's lives. This assumption will be examined by analyzing educational policies in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Specific topics that will be covered include literacy, student protest, and the educational treatment of girls, indigenous peoples, street children, child refugees, and child laborers. Offered in alternate May Terms.
INST 397 - Internship
Supervised experiential learning for students in International and Global Studies. A substantial written project is required. Other requirements and placement to be specified in the internship learning contract. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and consent of Director of International and Global Studies. Offered as needed.
INST 450 - Special Project
A major original research project developed and implemented in consultation with a faculty mentor. Particularly appropriate for qualified students seeking to graduate with Research Honors. Prerequisite: Consent of Director of International and Global Studies. Offered as needed.
INST 488 - Senior Seminar
An advanced analysis of a particular topic in international studies through a seminar format. Each student researches and writes a substantial paper which involves a detailed and original examination of an international issue or which focuses on a country or region. Offered each fall. This class is a core requirement for all majors in the International and Global Studies Program.

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures