Student Awards Elgibility and Application Information
The Technos International Prize
Any graduating senior major or minor in International and Global Studies or related programs (i.e., Asian Studies, Hispanic Studies, International Business, or Japanese Studies) is eligible to apply for the Technos International Prize. The Technos Award is an international prize that recognizes the student who has contributed greatly to broaden international/global awareness and understanding in general, and on our campus in particular, and has excelled academically. The award does not come with any monetary reward; it consists of a certificate, and a package of gifts that is inspired by traditional Japanese art and culture; certainly, it is a very distinct honor. The recipient of this prestigious award will be recognized at Honors Day Convocation.
The Technos International Prize is given by the Tanaka Ikueikai Educational Trust in Japan. The Trust was founded by Dr. Kenji Tanaka who created it in the spirit of improving international relations all around the world. Dr. Tanaka wishes to promote those very ideals and award those students who, through their work and actions, strive to ensure an atmosphere of global understanding.
Requirements include submitting an application essay of no more than three single-spaced pages to the International and Global Studies Program office. Information and deadlines for this award are sent out in January of each year.
Cover page: Please include your name, major or minor, double major, GPA, campus address, email address, and phone number.
Essay: Include a description of your involvement, participation or experience that you have had with as many different international activities/programs on campus or elsewhere during your career at IWU. Describe your personal contributions to these endeavors. You may want to include such things as: study abroad experience, on campus events, off campus events, internships or jobs that involve international relations, etc. You should also describe your Senior Seminar project or other relevant research activities.
Résumé: Please include a copy of yours.
Elaborate on important activities listed on your résumé especially those that show how you have contributed to international awareness and understanding.
Reference: Include the name and contact number of one IWU faculty member who can provide a reference.
International and Global Studies Awards for Majors
There are two other academic awards administered by the International and Global Studies Program for which International and Global Studies graduating majors are eligible to apply. The Technos Award can also be given to minors in International Studies or majors/minors in related programs. The awards are:
Pedro E. and Rufina A. Oliveros Memorial Award: The criteria for selection of this award include: academic achievement, active co-curricular
participation in international related activities, and demonstrated financial need
in college (e.g., need based financial aid).
Eligibility: International Studies graduating major
Award: Certificate and cash prize; honor and prestige
International Studies Outstanding Senior Award: This award recognizes a graduating senior who has excelled both inside and outside
the classroom. The recipient will be outstanding academically, perhaps has engaged
in research honors, and has been involved in departmental activities. An outstanding
senior will also have been actively involved in other organizations with an international
focus (e.g., service, volunteer, or social) either on or off campus.
Eligibility: International Studies graduating major
Award: Certificate and prize; honor and prestige
The application process for both awards is:
- Submit an application essay of no more than three single-spaced pages to the International and Global Studies Office (CLA 150). Include in the essay a description of any and all involvement, participation or experience that you have had with international activities and/or programs on or off campus during your career at IWU and your personal contributions to these endeavors. You may want to talk specifically about such things as: study abroad experience, on- and off-campus events, relevant organizations, and internships or jobs that involve international relations, etc. You should also describe your Senior Seminar project or other relevant research.
- Include a cover page with: name, major and/or minor, double major, GPA, campus address, email address, phone number.
- Include a copy of your resume. In your essay, please be sure to elaborate on important activities listed on your resume, especially those that show how you have contributed to international awareness and understanding.
- Include the name and number of one IWU faculty member who can provide a reference.
Information and deadlines for all these three awards are sent out in February of each year.

Carmela Ferradáns - Director of International & Global Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Department - World Languages, Literatures And Cultures