Alumni Email Service - Frequently Asked Questions
Alumni Email Termination Policy
Active alumni email accounts (as of June 1, 2023) will be granted a three-year grace period from the approval date of this policy to migrate any data stored. At the end of the three years, the regular policy of the University will apply, and all alumni accounts will be terminated. All student accounts beginning with the class of 2023 will be terminated three years after graduation.
Once your Illinois Wesleyan University (IWU) email account is terminated, you will
lose access to Gmail, Google Drive storage, and all other applications and resources
associated with your IWU account (including Banner Self-Service).
To prevent losing important data from Gmail, Google Drive, or Banner Self-Service, IWU IT Services encourages all alumni belonging to classes of 2023 and prior to secure their data by taking the following steps before June 1, 2026:
- Download your Google data to your device or external hard drive using Google Takeout
- Print or download a copy of your Unofficial Transcript for future use
- Make sure all social media accounts (such as LinkedIn) linked to your IWU email are
moved to a new email address
- Update your off-campus contact information to stay up to date with alumni news and events
For more information on alumni email termination or to request assistance with downloading and securing your data, please contact the ITS Help Desk by emailing or by calling (309) 556-3900.
Email FAQs
- What is the purpose of the Email Use and Account Management Policy?
- The purpose of the Email Use and Account Management Policy is to outline guidelines
for email use and management at IWU to ensure the security, confidentiality, and integrity
of IWU's email systems and data.
- The purpose of the Email Use and Account Management Policy is to outline guidelines
for email use and management at IWU to ensure the security, confidentiality, and integrity
of IWU's email systems and data.
- Who does this policy apply to?
- This policy applies to all IWU faculty, staff, students, affiliates, and contractors
who have been granted access to IWU’s email systems.
- This policy applies to all IWU faculty, staff, students, affiliates, and contractors
who have been granted access to IWU’s email systems.
- Can email be used for personal purposes?
- Yes, email can be used for personal purposes as long as it does not interfere with
an individual's duties or violate any University policies.
- Yes, email can be used for personal purposes as long as it does not interfere with
an individual's duties or violate any University policies.
- What happens to current alumni email accounts?
- Active alumni email accounts (as of June 1, 2023) will be granted a three-year grace
period from the approval date of this policy to migrate any data stored. At the end
of the three years, the regular policy of the University will apply, and all alumni
accounts will be terminated.
- Active alumni email accounts (as of June 1, 2023) will be granted a three-year grace
period from the approval date of this policy to migrate any data stored. At the end
of the three years, the regular policy of the University will apply, and all alumni
accounts will be terminated.
- What happens when my email account is terminated?
- Once your IWU email account is terminated, you will lose access to Gmail, Google Drive
Storage, and all other associated applications.
- Once your IWU email account is terminated, you will lose access to Gmail, Google Drive
Storage, and all other associated applications.
- Can exceptions be made to this policy?
- All exceptions to this policy must be approved by the University President or designee.
- All exceptions to this policy must be approved by the University President or designee.
- How can alumni update their information?
- Alumni can update their information through the IWU Alumni Portal at The portal allows alumni to update their contact information, career updates, and other personal details. It is essential for alumni to keep their information up to date to ensure they receive important updates and alumni-related news from the University.
- How long will email accounts be active for faculty, staff, and students?
- Email accounts will be terminated at the end of employment for faculty and staff unless
they are granted emeritus status from the President or Provost. All student accounts
will be terminated three years after graduation.
- Email accounts will be terminated at the end of employment for faculty and staff unless
they are granted emeritus status from the President or Provost. All student accounts
will be terminated three years after graduation.
- What is the scope of email use at Illinois Wesleyan University?
- IWU’s email systems are for official university business and communications only.
Personal use is permitted as long as it does not interfere with an individual’s duties
or violate any University policies. Users are prohibited from using email for any
illegal or unethical purposes.
- IWU’s email systems are for official university business and communications only.
Personal use is permitted as long as it does not interfere with an individual’s duties
or violate any University policies. Users are prohibited from using email for any
illegal or unethical purposes.
- What kind of language should be used in email communication?
- Email communication should be professional, respectful, and free from discriminatory
or harassing language.
- Email communication should be professional, respectful, and free from discriminatory
or harassing language.
- Who is responsible for managing email accounts issued by Illinois Wesleyan University?
- Users are responsible for managing their own email accounts and ensuring that they
comply with this policy.
- Users are responsible for managing their own email accounts and ensuring that they
comply with this policy.
- What measures should be taken to ensure the security and confidentiality of emails?
- Users must take appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of
their emails. Passwords must be kept confidential and not shared with anyone. Emails
containing sensitive or confidential information must be encrypted or otherwise protected
to prevent unauthorized access.
- Users must take appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of
their emails. Passwords must be kept confidential and not shared with anyone. Emails
containing sensitive or confidential information must be encrypted or otherwise protected
to prevent unauthorized access.
- What are the guidelines for accessing email accounts for faculty, staff, students,
affiliates, and contractors?
- Access to email accounts will be managed according to guidelines that differ depending
on the constituency. Inactive accounts will be disabled after a certain period of
inactivity, and email forwarding is not permitted for faculty, staff, students, affiliates,
or contractors.
- Access to email accounts will be managed according to guidelines that differ depending
on the constituency. Inactive accounts will be disabled after a certain period of
inactivity, and email forwarding is not permitted for faculty, staff, students, affiliates,
or contractors.
- Does Illinois Wesleyan University reserve the right to access email accounts?
- IWU reserves the right to access email accounts if there is a legitimate business
need, or if required by law.
- IWU reserves the right to access email accounts if there is a legitimate business
need, or if required by law.
- Who has decision-making authority to access email accounts?
- Authorized leaders for each constituency have decision-making authority to access
email accounts. If they are unable to perform this duty, a designee of the University
President will assume decision authority.
- Authorized leaders for each constituency have decision-making authority to access
email accounts. If they are unable to perform this duty, a designee of the University
President will assume decision authority.
- What legal and regulatory requirements does Illinois Wesleyan University comply with?
- IWU complies with the Illinois Information Security Act (IL 815) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requirements to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of University data.