Kappa Delta, Omicron Chapter
Mission Statement
Kappa Delta Sorority is a national organization for women committed to: Encouraging members to live with integrity and honor in the bonds of lifelong friendship; building confidence in members to excel in college and throughout their lives; inspiring members to be active leaders, responsible citizens and engage members of the community; and providing opportunities and experiences that foster personal and professional growth for a lifetime.
Fast Facts
Number of Active Chapters: 168
National Founding Date: October 23, 1897
National Founding Location: Longwood University, Farmville, VA
IWU Founding Date: March 28, 1908
Organization Colors: Olive Green and Pearl White
Organization Flower: White Rose
Mascot: Nautilus Shell, Dagger, Teddy Bear, Katydid
Jewel: Diamond, Emerald, and Pearl
Local Chapter Website: iwu.kappadelta.org
International Headquarters Website: http://www.kappadelta.org/
Grade Point Average
- To Join (First-Years): 3.000
- To Join (Continuing): 2.650
- Good Standing (Active Members): 2.650
Kappa Delta offers study tables twice a week in our chapter house and in the Ames Library.
Our Academic Excellence Chair rewards members who attend study tables with "KD Bucks." Members also earn KD Bucks by earning an A or a B on tests, papers, and projects. We also reward members for A's during chapter each week with a "Smart Cookie."
Women on bad standing will have a meeting with our Academic Excellence Chair, and they will work out a plan to bring their gpa back up! Options can include attending more study tables to get more study hours in or getting personalized help from a sister who is talented in the area that member is struggling with.
Our academic chairs will meet with women on bad standing to discuss a plan to implement in order to bring them up to academic good standing. They will be required to attend study tables for two hours a week. Also, that person is not allowed voting or speaking rights during chapter meetings or ceremonies until they are removed from bad standing
Total Cost of 1st Sem, 1st Year | Total Cost of 2nd Sem, 1st Year | Total Cost Per Year of Upper Division Years (Out-of-House) | Total Cost Per Year for Upper Division Years (Living-In-House) |
$797.00 |
$368.00 |
$878.00 |
$8,678.00 |
**reflects 2021-2022 fees as provided by the chapter
Chapter Capacity: 32
Residency Type: Dormers

It is expected that members live in the house until it it reaches capacity. If we are over capacity, girls will be given the option to live-out based on our housing points system. If you're unable to live in the house and you are not a seniors, you will live in a dorm on campus.
The Kappa Delta house is truly a home, complete with 13 rooms for members to live in, a House Director suite, a Presidential Suite, a guest room, and basement storage for members. Our main floor features a chapter room with a grand piano and a comfortable environment to study. The first floor is completed with a tv lounge featuring three couches, a big screen tv, and a tread mill where our members can exercise. Our second floor houses another tv lounge with a fridge and freezer. Our laundry room is also located here which has two washers and three dryers which are free for members to use. Our third floor holds our study lounge with two lounge chairs and a table with chairs for members to work at. Every member living in house receives her own closet, desk, chair, shelf space, and each room is equipped with a full length mirror and giant windows. Our beds are in our 2 dormers or sleeping rooms (one cold, one warm). Both are kept dark and quiet at all times. We have on street parking (Main St.) and three spots behind the house. We have a large front porch with a bench for members to use. Our backyard is equipped with a grill, outdoor dining table and chairs, two reclining chairs, and a balcony.
Members who live in house are required to have a meal plan. Members have an option to purchase a meal plan if they live out. Meal plans are 9 meals per week. Our chef can accommodate Vegans, Vegetarians, Gluten Intolerance, Lactose Intolerance, Shellfish Allergies, Peanut and Other Nut Allergies. All dietary restrictions are considered and taken care of by our Chef who is very considerate of member desires and needs for meal options. There are items available for members to make for breakfast and all other meals that are not prepared by our chef. We have a 24/7 Open Kitchen policy, allowing members access to all food, cooking appliances, and utensils.
National Philanthropies: Prevent Child Abuse America
Girl Scouts of the United States of America: we do 2 girl scout service events a semester to teach them about women empowerment, potential career paths, college, an notable women in history and present day!
The Baby Fold: They get part of the proceeds from our Shamrock event, we also have volunteers for their Festival of Trees Event
Our members are required to do 5 service hours per semester and to participate in one Girl Scout event per semester. Doing additional hours are strongly encouraged. Each member raises $20 to be donated to Prevent Child Abuse America and The Baby Fold in Normal, IL.
Length: 6 weeks
Hours Per Week: 1 hour per week
New members attend "SET" meetings with older chapter members for an hour each week. At these meetings, they learn the history and facts of Kappa Delta and get to know other women in the chapter. New members participate in a Retreat hosted especially for them. They are required to attend one formal and one informal chapter meeting during this time. The new member will go through 2 Degree ceremonies before Initiation. Weekly optional activities are held to give new members a chance to get to know active sisters better such as Salsa with the Seniors. Each new member receives pearl pals who help her as she goes through the new member period, and a Big sister before initiation. Bigs and Littles hold a special bond and relationship as the Big teaches and guides her Little in all areas of KD and Campus life.
Kappa Delta Sorority does not condone hazing of any kind, in any of her collegiate chapters. Kappa Delta Sorority is concerned about the human dignity of her new members and frowns upon any activity that is degrading. Kappa Delta Sorority does not permit immature action in new member activities. Kappa Delta Sorority does not countenance anything unkind or any display of an undignified nature, either on campus or within her household. Hazing is defined as any activity, action taken or situation created, whether on or off sorority premises, that has the reasonable potential to produce mental, emotional or physical discomfort; embarrassment; harassment; or ridicule. Such action need not be maliciously intended in order to be hazing. Furthermore, hazing often occurs with consent of the victim and is strictly forbidden by sorority policy and law. Hazing activities and situations include, but are not limited to:
- scavenger hunts, treasure hunts or kidnaps
- road trips or any other such activities carried on outside the confines of the chapter/meeting facility
- providing and encouraging the consumption of alcoholic beverages
- blindfolding to disorient or intimidate
- engaging in public stunts and buffoonery such as the wearing of publicly conspicuous apparel
- morally degrading or humiliating games and activities
- paddling in any form
- interrogations or verbal abuse
- physical and/or psychological shocks
- creation of excess fatigue
- any other activities, which are not consistent with sorority law or regulations and policies of the university.
Per Kappa Delta Sorority policy, the Hazing Statement is read to the new members at the new member orientation meeting (on Bid Day) and to the entire chapter prior to First Degree. After the reading of this statement each new member is given a copy to sign in affirmation of understanding the policy.