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Educational & Member Development Programs

Educational Programs

Fraternities and sororities offer their members a great opportunity to grow through their membership experience. The leadership of the fraternity and sorority community makes an effort to provide several opportunities throughout the year for our members to experience both personal and professional growth. These activities and events are coordinated by the Vice Presidents of Programming on CPH and IFC. Additionally, we encourage our members to attend the robust opportunities across campus that allow them to grow as individuals.

Member Development

As a way to encourage our members to develop around their fraternity and sorority values, our community provides several signature programs throughout the year for our community to come together around these topics. These activities and events are coordinated by OSI, CPH, IFC, and our organziations.

New Member 101 Series

Each semester, leaders from the CPH, IFC, and OSI, along with campus professionals come together to provide a series of sessions specific to the needs of the newest members of our community. 

National Ritual Celebration Week

Each March, the fraternity and sorority community at IWU joins other communities across the nation in celebration of our espoused values and central purposes.