Alpha Gamma Delta, Xi Chapter
Mission Statement
Alpha Gamma Delta is committed to providing opportunities for personal development, service to others and the space for members to forge their own paths—all through a lifelong spirit of sisterhood.
Fast Facts
Number of Active Chapters: 198
National Founding Date: May 30, 1904
National Founding Location: Syracuse University, Syracuse NY
IWU Founding Date: August 15, 1914
Organization Colors: Red, Buff and Green
Organization Flower: A red and buff rose with green asparagus plumosa fern
Mascot: Squirrel
Jewel: Pearl
Local Chapter Website:
International Headquarters Website:
Grade Point Average
- To Join (First-Years): 2.500
- To Join (Continuing): 2.500
- Good Standing (Active Members): 2.500
Alpha Gamma Delta does not require/offer study hall hours unless members have a cumulative GPA below the chapter semester GPA average. Members with a GPA under our chapter average will be given a specialized study plan designed to improve their academic standing. We publish each member's major and minor, and ensure that each member knows who can help them if they are struggling in classes. We encourage studying together in and out of the chapter house, and are always there to help a sister in need.
If a member falls below the required GPA, she is placed on academic probation and is no longer considered in Good Standing. The Vice President Scholarship will meet with her on a weekly basis, discuss her academic progress with professors, and serve as a support system until the member's GPA improves.
Total Cost of 1st Sem, 1st Year | Total Cost of 2nd Sem, 1st Year | Total Cost Per Year of Upper Division Years (Out-of-House) | Total Cost Per Year for Upper Division Years (Living-In-House) |
$1,500.00 | $1,072.00 | $2,144.00 | $9,644.00 |
*Reflects 2021-2022 fees as provided by chapter. Students residing in sorority chapter homes do not pay on campus room/board fees.

Chapter Home Capacity: 44
Residency Type: Combination of dormers and live-in rooms.
On June 26, 1930, the women of Xi Chapter became the first sorority on Illinois Wesleyan's campus to buy a chapter house. The women of Alpha Gamma Delta, Xi Chapter have lived at 1409 North Main since that day. Originally known as The Williams Estate, our house was built by Robert E. Williams, lawyer and Senator, in 1868. At the time, Bloomington was a much smaller town and Illinois Wesleyan University was a youthful 18 years old. Mr. Williams had this house built to accommodate his rather large family of 13 members. In other words, our house was built with the sole purpose of being a home. It was not built to be a dorm or any other type of college living unit. Today, many years later, the warm, home-like atmosphere still exists and we feel that this is one of our house’s greatest attributes. We love that we have an actual home away from home.
All chapter members are required to live in house for at least 2 years unless the number of members exceeds the maximum capacity of the facility. Members of Officer Board are required to live in the chapter house. Priority to live in the chapter house is given first to seniors, then juniors and sophomores. Only when the chapter house is filled to capacity may members live elsewhere. Permission to live out of house will be granted to senior members in good standing that have lived in the house for 2 years.
Members must have a meal plan if they live in house. Our meal plans include 9 meals per week. As part of the meal plan, our residents have access to the kitchen, personal food storage, and house leftovers at all times. Our chef is able to accommodate Vegetarians, Vegans, Gluten Intolerance, Lactose Intolerance, Shellfish Allergies, and Peanut and Other Nut Allergies. If there are additional food requirements, our chefs work as best they can to accommodate our members' needs.
Our chapter house has several amenities which include a study room with a wireless printer/copier, a laundry room with 3 washers and 4 dryers that are free of charge, a recreation room with a big screen TV, a front parlor room with a grand piano, 12 day rooms with closet space, desk, chair, and shelves, 2 large dormers (sleeping rooms) which are kept dark and cool at all times, an expansive wrap-around porch with porch swing, and parking lot for residents.
National Philanthropy: Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation & Fighting Hunger
Each year, we host our signature Casino Night fundraiser, a car wash, and Mac’n Cheese with AGD. This past year we started our first Cookie Grams with Alpha Gams as well! Each event raises funds for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. We also volunteer at Home Sweet Home and the Midwest Food Bank in addition to walking in the JDRF walk each fall. Members are required to complete five service hours per semester.
Length: 2 months
Hours Per Week: 1-2 hours per week
New member meetings are held weekly during the new member period. The purpose of these meetings is to provide new members with information about the chapter, allow them to foster connections with each other, learn the responsibilities of membership, instill pride in Alpha Gamma Delta and promote the development of leadership skills.