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Minor in English

Don’t think you want to major in English, but you have a strong interest in literature?  Why not minor?  The English minor can be a great addition to any course of study because it helps students gain skills in writing, critical analysis, and comprehension— skills that could benefit any major field.

To minor in English, six course units selected from the departmental offerings are required:

  1. English 280 Understanding Literature
  2. Two lower division courses:
    1. One course must be from from 220-272
    2. One additional course from among the following:
  3. Two additional courses in literature at the 300/400 level
  4. One additional course unit in writing or literature at the 100, 200, or 300 level

For more information on requirements for the minor, please refer to the University’s catalog or our English Minor Checklist.

Declaring the English Minor

To declare English as your minor you will need to go to the Registrar’s Office (Holmes Hall 110) and fill out the proper Minor Declaration form.  You will also need to fill out a pink Declaration form at the English House for record in the English Database.

Michael Theune headshot

Michael Theune - Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of English and Chair of English

Department - English