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English Major - Writing Sequence

Exploring Journalism at Wesleyan – Students benefit from a broader picture by gaining flexibility that makes them better writers.

Within the writing track, students may choose to take courses in creative writing or journalism at several different levels. Further, IWU offers opportunities for students to gain experience in both the creative writing and journalism fields.

Tributaries, IWU’s magazine of the arts, provides the chance for campus publication of poetry, prose, or artwork and the experience of producing a publication. The Argus, IWU's weekly campus newspaper, is a great opportunity for students to build their journalistic skills (and positions on The Argus staff are often paid.) The English department also encourages students with an interest in journalism to do internships at the local newspaper, The Pantagraph.

The English major with a concentration in writing requires the following sequences of classes:

The writing sequence usually requires a minimum of five semesters to accommodate the additional course work in writing. Students may focus their course work in journalism or in creative writing. A minimum of 12 course units from departmental offerings is required:

  1. English 280 Understanding Literature
  2. One lower division literature course from 220-259
  3. Three additional courses in literature at the 300-400 level. At least one course must be pre-1830 literature (341-344, 366, 391, 393-394).
  4. One course in literature at the 100/200/300 level.
  5. Two lower division writing courses from English  201, 202, 206, 272, and Journalism 211, 212, 213.
  6. Two upper division writing courses  English 301 (may be repeated for credit with different subject matter), English 335  and Journalism 315, 325, 397.
  7. One additional course  in writing from English 101, 201-206, 301, 485 and Journalism 211, 212, 213325 or THEA 341 and 342, as well, may fulfill this requirement.
  8. English 401 Senior Writing Project

For more information on requirements for the writing track, please refer to the University’s catalog or our English Major Checklist.

Declaring the English-Writing major

To declare English-Writing as your major, you will need to go to the Registrar’s Office (Holmes Hall 110) and pick up an orange Declaring a Major form.  That form will require signatures from both the department (or advisor) for your current major and the English department.  You will also need to fill out a pink Declaring the Major form at the English House for record in the English Database.

Michael Theune headshot

Michael Theune - Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of English and Chair of English

Department - English