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Example Course Plans

Chemistry Course Plan (first 4 semesters)

This is an example course plan based on the 2022-2023 University Catalog; your actual schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to select appropriate courses.

As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester towards completing graduation requirements using the MyIWU degree audit tool.

Fall Semester*

Spring Semester

May Term

  • Optional

* Students with AP credit (with a score 4 or 5) in Physics, Calculus, and/or Chemistry may consult with the Chemistry Department Chair about having some requirements waived.

Study Abroad

For students interested in studying abroad, the recommended semester(s) is: fall or spring, fourth year. Consult with the Chemistry Department Chair if you have a strong interest in studying abroad prior to the senior year.

Additional Information

  • Students must complete two semesters Calculus and a Physics sequence before taking the required Physical Chemistry sequence.  Students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the Calculus BC Advanced Placement exam should consult with the Chemistry Department Chair to discuss mathematics options.
  • CHEM 499 can be taken anytime from the Spring of year two onward.
  • Chemistry students are strongly encouraged to participate in research as part of their education. It is never too early to talk to faculty and learn about becoming involved.

Biochemistry Course Plan

Fall Semester*

Spring Semester

* Students with AP credit (with a score 4 or 5) in Physics, Calculus, and/or Chemistry may consult with the Chemistry Department Chair about having some requirements waived.


Pre-Med Tracks

Pre-Med Biochemistry

Pre-Med Chemistry


Pre-Engineering Tracks

Pre-Engineering - Bio-Medical

Pre-Engineering - Chemical


Ram Mohan headshot

Ram Mohan - Wendell and Loretta Hess Endowed Professor of Chemistry and Chair of Chemistry

Department - Chemistry