Center for Engaged Learning
The CEL works with campus and community partners to provide engaged learning opportunities at IWU and explore three guiding questions:
1. How can we become more engaged learners?
2. How can we create spaces for learning that engage ALL learners?
3. How can we inspire engagement in local and global communities?
CEL Programs
The Titan Pathways program provides the building blocks of a successful IWU experience in a flexible three-phase framework: transitioning, thriving, and transforming. Pathways can be a very helpful tool during your advising sessions and is a guide for navigating the many opportunities available to you here at IWU.
Academic Success Series
The CEL offers workshops and resources to improve persistence and student success including time management, discipline, organization strategies, self-advocacy, and wellness.
Summer Scholars & Other Fellowships
IWU hosts a vibrant summer research community. Students can apply for a variety of programs including the Eckley Summer Scholars & Artists, the Summer Enrichment Program, and fellowships in chemistry, economics, and environmental studies. There are also fellowships available during the school year and post-baccalaureate opportunities.
Community Service & Volunteering
IWU has a wonderful connection to the Bloomington-Normal community. Our "town-gown" relationship is strong and provides IWU with unique and meaningful opportunities to learn, serve, and lead. If you are interested in getting involved in the community, we have a many local nonprofits and community coalitions that welcome IWU students. Follow the Community Service & Volunteer Opportunities group on the MyIWU app for listings of current needs. Report your hours here so we can keep track of your engagement.
Writing Center & Tutoring Services
All tutoring services at IWU are free. Writing Center Peer Coaches (first floor of Ames Library) support students at all stages of the writing process. Peer tutors, teaching assistants, and course-embedded tutors are based in academic departments. Support from a tutor can greatly improve your success. This is a great resource for students!
Action Research Center
Since 2003, ARC has connected the campus and the community in meaningful ways that create impactful change and address pressing social justice issues. If you are a change agent with an idea, a challenge, an opportunity, or a road block, ARC is a place to explore solutions and action plans.
Undergraduate Research
Our students have the opportunity to do original research at the undergraduate level, collaborating with faculty who are at the top of their fields. Because Illinois Wesleyan is an entirely undergraduate institution, students are offered research and creative opportunities without competition from graduate students. Check out some of the work that has resulted from faculty mentorship of students in the IWU Digital Commons.
Deborah Halperin - Director, Center for Engaged Learning
Department - Center For Engaged Learning