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Titans Vote

Your vote is important and powerful!

Make a plan to vote!


Registered to vote? 

NOT SURE? Check your status here

YES! Great! Make a plan to vote before or on Election Day

YES but you need to change your address? Start here for IL or here for outside of IL


New Voter? Where will you vote?

You have the right to register and vote at either your local (IWU) or permanent (home) address. Consider which location you feel most connected to and informed about when deciding where to vote. 

NEW VOTER in IL: register to vote online via the IL Board of Elections.  IWU students should use the mailing address of their residence hall to register.

NEW VOTER outside of IL: use to get started


How will you vote? Mail or In Person?

Vote by Mail 

This is a great option if you want to vote at home while being away at IWU

To vote by mail in Illinois, visit the Illinois State Board of Elections website and follow the county-specific instructions for a vote-by-mail ballot.

To vote my mail outside of Illinois, start with  to find the election authority in your home state. 

If your mail-in ballot arrives but does not have pre-paid postage, Titan Print & Mail sells stamps.

Vote In Person: Early or on Election Day (Nov 5)

Early voting is easy, convenient, and safe option. In Bloomington (including IWU), early voting starts September 26. You can vote at Eastland Mall or at the Election Commission Office. Here's a schedule. Outside of Bloomington, find out if your election authority offers early voting by looking up your local election authority. You might be able to vote early if you plan to head home for Fall Break Day (Oct 11)!

On election day (Nov 5), vote in person at your polling place. If you live on campus, your polling place is the Hansen Student Center. Beyond IWU, locate your polling place here


At your polling place & in the booth:

Ask any election judge for help at any time! You will start by verifying your name and address. You will be given a blank ballot and directed to the voting booths. 

Here's a video of what voting machines look like in Bloomington. 

When you are done voting, an election judge will show you to the machine where you insert your ballot for tabulation. You will also get your I VOTED sticker!




  • September 26: Early voting begins in Bloomington & McLean County at Eastland Mall and the Election Commission Office 
  • October 8: Last day for regular voter registration in Bloomington but you can still register online until Oct 20.
  • October 20: Last day for online voter registration in Bloomington
  • Nov 5: Vote in person on Election Day at your polling place


  • September 10: Navigating Controversy:  facilitating dialogue and critical thinking in academic settings, 4-5:30 (Vinyard) – faculty development session (CETAL)
  • September 10: Presidential debate watch party (Hansen/Senate)
  • September 17: National Voter Registration Day visit our table in the Memorial Center from 10am - 2pm
  • September 17: Building Democracy:  This is Your Brain on Political Ads, 7:00-8:30pm, Joslin Atrium
  • September 26: Vice President debate watch party (Senate/OSI)
  • October 1: Building Democracy:  Engaging Conversations in a Challenging Political Environment, 7:00-8:30pm, Joslin
  • October 17: Building Democracy:  Crashing the guardrails of democracy? Protecting the norms that hold us all together  7:00-8:30pm, Joslin Atrium
  • October 22: Election Misinformation and Disinformation:  AI, Deepfakes and 21st century propaganda, 4-5:30, Vinyard
  • November 5: Election Day
  • December 17: Electoral College Votes
  • January 6: Electoral Votes Formally Counted
  • January 20: Inauguration Day


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