May Term Courses in Biology
The Biology Department has several options for May Term.

Field Ornithology: Students in the Field Ornithology class observe birds and learn about avian ecology while they are out in the field during every class period. A highlight of the course is when students camp in the Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois, and go kayaking in a cypress swamp. Students also get a behind-the-scenes tour of the bird collection at the Field Museum, and this past year they watched scientists band Peregrine Falcon chicks.

Herpetology: This course introduces students to the field of herpetology, the branch of zoology that emphasizes the study of amphibians and reptiles. This May term course has lecture, lab and field components, and culminates with a mini research conference in which each student presents their independent research on a selected herpetological topic.

Experimental Embryology: Research based course that emphasizes that emphasizes the histological, cellular and molecular techniques required to study and answer questions about vertebrate development.

Tropical Ecology-Costa Rica: Students are introduced to the ecosystems, animals and plants of Costa Rica and meet with various agencies that deal with the preservation of biodiversity, forest management, and the collection and cataloging of diverse organisms. Students also perform group research projects.