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The biology faculty are both scholars and teachers, devoted to teaching excellence and to making important contributions to our individual disciplines through fieldwork, research, and writing. Faculty research interests include, environmental sustainability, ecology, genetics, invertebrate form and function, animal developmental biology, cellular function and fate, animal physiology, and much more. We are committed to undergraduate education and teach everything from first-year gateway courses to advanced courses.

Richard Alvey

Richard Alvey

Assistant Professor of Biology

Research Interests: Diversity of viruses in freshwater environments

Loralyn Cozy

Loralyn Cozy

Associate Professor of Biology

Research Interests: Regulation of cell division during terminal differentiation

Clark Dennis

Clark Dennis

Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
Libby Haywood

Libby Haywood

Instructional Professor

Research Interests: Development of Bacterial Toxin-Inspired Drug Delivery (BTIDD) vehicles

William Jaeckle

William Jaeckle

Professor of Biology

Research Interests: Larval life history, development, physiology, and ecology

Edgar Lehr

Edgar Lehr

Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of Biology

Research Interests: Biodiversity of amphibians and reptiles in the neotropics (Peru, Suriname).

Tyler Schwend

Tyler Schwend

Associate Professor of Biology

Research Interests: Molecular regulation of corneal nerves during eye development

Sheryl Soukup

Sheryl Soukup

Laboratory Coordinator for Human Biology (Biology 107 and 108)
Loni Walker

Loni Walker

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Growth and developmental processes in plants

Brian Walter

Brian Walter

Associate Professor of Biology and Chair

Research Interests: Cell and structural developmental biology