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We Offer Appointments Online and in Ames 105B!

Make An Appointment


This chart explains how we can help as tutors


Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Appointment:

Schedule early!

Bring your assignment sheet.

Come with a goal in mind.

Be ready to discuss.

Don't expect to leave with a "finished" project or assignment.




What to Expect During an Appointment:this flow chart explains first we ask you questions, then we listen to your answers and lastly we give you advice

  • Generally, all work is read out loud (either by the student or the tutor) to accommodate students of all abilities, and to listen as well as look for patterns of error. 

  • Our tutoring is suggestion-based; we expect to have a discussion about writing with the writer as well as the tutor providing feedback. 

  • We will e-mail a student's advisor, coach, and/or professor -- if a student wishes us to do so -- to confirm any completed Writing Center appointment.


Billie Jarvis-Freeman - Associate Professor of Humanities

Department - Writing Center