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Grants and Internships


Grants for Theatre Students

Many theatre students support their educations by applying for awards while completing their degrees. Here are a few opportunities:

Arts administration awards:

Theatre design & technology awards:

Theatre scholarship awards:

Grant opportunities for BIPOC students:


The Hart Career Center assists students with attaining their future career goals, supporting students while they are in school and after graduation.

Some of the Career Center services include:

  • Career guidance and exploration
  • Internship planning and search support
  • Resume development and practice interviews
  • Graduate and professional school preparation
  • Job search and recruiting assistance

The Career Center coordinates the centralized campus internship program and maintains Handshake, an updated online database of internships and post-graduate job opportunities. Visit the Hart Career Center early and often to keep your career plans on a successful path.



Jean Kerr headshot

Jean Kerr - Associate Professor, Director of the School of Theatre Arts

Department - School Of Theatre Arts