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Policies and Procedures

Compliance with Local, State and Federal Statutes, and Residential Life Staff

It is expected that students will conduct themselves responsibly at all times. This includes following appropriate local, state, and federal statutes. Behaviors restricted by local, state or federal laws are not appropriate behaviors in which to engage in the residence halls. This includes the use, possession, distribution or sale of marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines or any other controlled substance covered by the Federal and State Controlled Substance Act. For further explanation of the University's policy regarding drugs and controlled substances, consult the more complete text of the Student Handbook .

Electrical Equipment and Appliances

Small appliances with exposed heating elements (such as toasters, toaster-ovens, and electric grills) are prohibited in resident rooms at any time. Mini fridges and microwaves are allowed in the residence halls.

Fires and Fire Safety

Recognizing the serious threat of fires in the residence halls, Illinois Wesleyan University offers the following guidelines for student conduct concerning: the inappropriate use of and tampering with fire alarms and equipment; arson; evacuation; and fire hazards.

Fire safety in the residence halls is a shared responsibility, for this reason the University has installed smoke and heat detectors and sprinklers in addition to the alarm system and fire fighting equipment throughout the buildings. Students are urged to respect these lifesaving devices and must respond to all alarms appropriately. Students found abusing safety equipment (such as exit lights, stair rails, fire alarms and fire exits), causing false fire alarms or refusing to vacate buildings after alarm sounds or at the direction of a university official will be subject concurrently to both University and civil/criminal sanctions.


Lighting fires in the residence halls is considered a serious offense that will likely result in suspension or dismissal from the University. Information concerning arson in the residence halls is given to the appropriate city department and can lead to criminal charges. Withholding evidence concerning a fire will result in disciplinary action.


In case of a fire, it is important to know the location of the nearest fire exit and fire-fighting equipment.

If you encounter a fire, follow these guidelines:

  • Isolate the fire by closing any doors.
  • Pull the nearest fire alarm.
  • Call 0 and/or 9-911 to report the fire.
  • Notify the residence hall staff.
  • Evacuate the building immediately when the alarm sounds.
  • Follow all residence hall staff members' instructions.

 If your door is hot to the touch:

  • Do not try to open the door. Remain in the room.
  • Wedge cloths under the door to keep the smoke out.
  • Open a window, wave sheets or a towel.
  • Stay low; breathe fresh air near the window.
  • If possible, dial 0 or 9-911 and report your situation and location.

If your door is cool and the hallway is clear:

  1. Exit via the nearest stairwell after closing your room door. Do NOT use elevators.
  2. Close all doors as you leave.
  3. If you encounter heavy smoke in a stairwell, go back and try another stairwell or exit.
  4. If all exits are blocked, go back to your room.
  5. Close your door and wedge cloths under the door to keep the smoke from entering your room.
  6. Open a window, wave sheets or a towel.
  7. Stay low; breathe fresh air near the window.
  8. If possible, dial 0 or 9-911 and report your situation and location.

Failure to evacuate the hall when the fire alarm sounds could result in serious injury or death, and, at a minimum, may result in disciplinary action.

Fire Hazards

Anything that may create a safety or fire hazard is not allowed in the residence halls. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Candles,
  • Incense,
  • Large ceiling, or
  • Wall hangings or wall paneling.

Students should use extension cords and/or multi-plug adapters (a minimum of 14 gauge) equipped with a circuit breaker and UL approved. Please be reminded that circuits can be easily overloaded by simultaneous operation of high-draw electrical equipment such as hair dryers, stereos, televisions and refrigerators. Please refer to the "Electrical Equipment and Appliances" policy for further guidelines regarding what electrical items constitute a fire hazard. This policy is in accordance with the local fire codes.

Possession, manufacture, or use of fireworks or explosives on University property is expressly forbidden. Definition of these items includes, but is not limited to, firecrackers or sparklers, gunpowder and unstable or hazardous chemicals, except for those stored and used in appropriate laboratory facilities. No flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline or kerosene may be stored in University housing.

Insurance Coverage

Illinois Wesleyan University expects students to possess insurance for their own personal property. The University does not carry insurance to cover students' personal property, and the University is NOT liable for the loss or damage to any residents' personal property, except in cases in which it is found that the University has been negligent. Families should review their homeowners or tenant insurance policies to determine whether coverage is extended to students' personal property while attending college. In addition, the University annually distributes information regarding the availability of insurance through National Student Services, Inc. Questions may be addressed to the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance (309-556-3022).

Items Not Allowed

The following materials are not allowed in the residence halls. The University may add items to this list as it deems necessary.

  • Air conditioning units
  • Incense
  • Candles, unless the wick has been completely removed
  • Candle warmers
  • Lofts
  • Ceiling fans
  • Non-University locks
  • Empty hard alcohol containers
  • Pets
  • Empty beer and wine containers (for students under 21)
  • Space heaters
  • Toaster ovens
  • Fireworks
  • Toasters
  • Waffle Makers
  • Wireless networks
  • Grills/Propane/Lighter fluid
  • Traffic signs and markers
    • Conviction of possession of such devices (i.e. stop signs, street signs, city limit signs, cones, barricades) is punishable by a $100 fine and/or 30 days in jail."
  • Halogen lamps
  • Weapons (guns, knives, etc.)
  • Hand-made furniture
  • "George Forman" or like grills
  • Hotplates
  • Extension cords, power strips or surge protectors with a gauge of less than 14
  • Hoverboards
  • Air Fryers

Keys and Locks

Students are responsible for the keys issued to them. Therefore, a student who loses a room key will be charged for the cost of recoring the door and for the replacement of keys to the room, suite, mailboxes and outside door. The cost for recoring a student room is $50, and for a suite door it is $65.

Unapproved locking mechanisms on residence hall doors, closets and windows are prohibited and subject to a $50/day fine per lock. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to residence hall premises or unauthorized entry, even through an unlocked door, is prohibited.

Students are expected to carry keys to their rooms and their ID cards for entry into their residence halls at all times. If a student should become locked out of his/her room, the Residential Life staff provides a lock-out service. The charge for all lock-outs is $5.00. 

For information regarding break keys, click here.


All animals EXCEPT fish are prohibited in the residence halls. The maximum gallon tank you can have in your room is 5 gallons for the fish. If an animal is found in the residence halls, and reasonable attempts to determine ownership of the animal or to find off-campus shelter for the pet fail, the Bloomington-area animal shelter will be called. Students found in violation are subject to a $50/day fine.


Materials to be posted in the residence halls are governed by the campus posting policy, available in full as a part of the student handbook.  The posting policy is coordinated through the Office of the Dean of Students. Items submitted appropriately through that office will typically be posted within 48 hours. 

Selling, Soliciting and Peddling

No one may sell, solicit, or peddle in University residence halls. Door-to-door campaigning is prohibited as well. University groups must make arrangements through the Conferences and Events Department for permission to sell in the Memorial Center.


Illinois Wesleyan University is committed to creating a safe, healthy and productive environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Because environmental tobacco smoke is one of the most widespread and harmful indoor air pollutants, IWU shall be completely smoke-free indoors. This smoke-free policy applies to all IWU facilities and vehicles, owned or leased, regardless of location. All smoking outside must be 15 feet from any IWU owned building/residence hall. IWU owned houses/apartments used as private rentals are exempt from this policy.

Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and related products, is therefore not allowed in the residence halls. Students found smoking may be subject to judicial referral and could be reassigned to a different living unit.

Technology and Networks

The use of individually administered wireless networks in residence halls is prohibited because they create security vulnerabilities and opportunities for less scrupulous persons to make use of IWU’s network in ways inconsistent with the IT usage policy .


When staff is made aware of a tornado warning condition that includes the IWU campus, staff will direct residents to evacuate to designated tornado shelter areas in each residence hall.  Residents are strongly encouraged to evacuate immediately at the onset of the warning, and before the sounding of local sirens indicating an imminent or immediate risk that may not give students time to move to safety.  Residents will be released from shelter areas when the "all clear" is given by civil defense authorities.

Windows, Roofs, Ledges, Fire Escapes, Attics and Elevators

Windows and screens are to remain in place at all times. Students are NOT allowed to place anything outside their windows or to throw objects out of open windows due to the potential for injury to those on the ground. A $25 fee will be assessed for reinstalling screens.

For reasons of safety, students are not allowed on the roofs, ledges, or fire escapes of residence halls except during a fire emergency. If found on the roof, ledge, or using the fire escapes, their will be a $250 fine put on their student account. Students are also prohibited from residence hall attic areas and equipment/machinery rooms.

Students may use elevators in residence halls, but are expected not to access the elevator shaft, tamper with the elevator or use the elevator in ways other than for which it was intended--the transport of individuals and their possessions from one floor to another inside the elevator carriage.