Residence Hall Life for LGBTQIA Students
Moving into a college residence hall can be exciting and intimidating for many students. Those who are LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/aromantic may have specific questions or concerns about living in the residence halls. We are proud to say that IWU's goal is to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for LGBTQIA students. Each year, residence hall staff are educated about the needs and concerns of with marginalized sexual and gender identities, and we also have an engaged and vibrant LGBTQIA community on campus with many activities and resources for support.
Rainbow Floor, established in Dolan Hall, is a gender inclusive living-learning community committed to counterspace, education and activism around social justice for LGBTQIA people.
The Office of Residential Life seeks to create a safer and more inclusive residential learning environment on campus by assisting students with requests to be matched with a roommate who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, or an ally (LGBTQIA). An ally is defined as someone who identifies as straight and wants to be supportive of those who identify as LGBTQIA.
Those interested in participating in the LGBTQIA Roommate Matching Service must complete an LGBTQIA-specific matching survey in addition to the IWU Housing Contract (which includes the roommate matching questionnaire).
Click here to complete the LGBTQIA Roommate Matching Survey
Housing and roommate considerations for LGBTQIA Students
Do you have a specific person you want as a roommate?
Remember, just because you and a potential roommate are LGBQA or TGNCI, that doesn’t mean you are necessarily compatible roommates. Be sure to consider other similarities and differences in living preferences. Also, if you are LGBQA or TGNCI, consider your level of outness. You and a potential roommate may want do discuss this prior to moving in to make sure you are each comfortable with how out your roommate is or is not. If you are an LGBTQIA Ally choosing an LGBTQIA roommate, are you comfortable being out as an Ally? Are you comfortable if other people assume you are LGBT?
Should I come out to my roommate or others on my floor?
This is a decision only you can make. There can be both risks and benefits in coming out. If you have concerns about coming out, you might want to talk with a residence hall staff member, other students you trust, or staff in the Counseling and Consultation Service to get a sense of the climate for LGBQA and TGNCI students on your floor and/or in your residence hall. It might also be helpful to spend some time thinking about the possible responses you might encounter, how you will handle them, and what sources of support you have available to help you with this process. The LGBTQIA Student Life website provides a pamphlet “A Resource Guide to Coming Out” that might also be helpful.
Who can I talk to for support or assistance?
There are several options available for finding support.
- Your floor First Year Resident Advisor (FYRA) is there to help everyone feel welcome and included on your floor. If you are hesitant to talk to your FYRA, you can seek out other residence hall staff members to help you with any questions or concerns.
- IWU Pride Alliance is a registered student organization that meets weekly and where many LGBTQIA students at IWU find community and support.
- Another community support includes students, faculty and staff that are trained and supportive allies through the IWU Safe Zone program. Volunteers in the IWU Safe Zone program display a symbol on door signs or buttons to identify themselves as supporters of the LGBTQ population. Many Safe Zone allies choose to be listed on the IWU Outlist and Campus Allies page.
- The IWU Counseling and Consultation Service and the Office of the Chaplain both provide individual guidance and counseling supports.
- The Dean of Students Office is a great place to seek help with problems or obstacles or to report acts of intolerance.
- The LGBTQIA Student Life website provides an incredible amount of information and direction for accessing LGBQ+ and TGNC support services at IWU.
I identify as transgender or gender non-conforming (TGNCI). Will I be able to live in the residence halls?
We know that transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) students may have specific needs, and we will be happy to work with you to find a living option that best meets your needs. We encourage you to contact us before you begin the room selection process so that we may answer your specific questions and best assist you. We recognize that the needs of TGNC students may vary depending on their particular situation, so we will assist TGNC students on a case by case basis.
What if I have a problem with my roommate or someone on my floor?
We encourage you to let your FYRA or Residence Director know about the situation as soon as possible. They can provide guidance and work with you to resolve the conflict. Depending on the problem, possible solutions could be as simple as a conversation or could involve programs and training to raise awareness among others in the residence halls. You can also report your experiences to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion or online using the bias reporting form.
What if I experience harassment in the residence halls?
We take any instances of harassment or discrimination seriously and respond accordingly. University policies prohibit offensive, discriminatory or harassing behavior based on an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. If you or anyone you know experiences any harassment or discrimination based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, we encourage you to report it. As with other LGBT-related residence hall problems, you can speak with your FYRA, another residence hall staff member, or staff in the Dean of Students Office. You can also report your experiences to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion or online using the bias reporting form.

Jermaine Ferguson - Director, Office of Residential Life
Department - Residence Halls-operations