Student Organizations
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a 30-year-old worldwide human rights organization. It has
helped in the last three decades to put human rights on the work agenda. Amnesty works
for three major goals: 1) the unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience,
2) fair and prompt trials for political prisoners, 3) an end to torture and death
penalty wherever they exist. Amnesty is nonpartisan, apolitical, does not accept money
from any government, and has no religious or ideological affiliation. The Illinois
Wesleyan chapter was founded in 1992.
See the Amnesty International website for more information.
College Democrats
This chapter of College Democrats, started in 1993, is a union of students determined
to fulfill the hope of the American Dream for everyone through education of the student
body and support of the Democratic Party. It is an organization active both on and
off campus: organizing debates, sponsoring speakers, working to elect Democratic candidates,
and promoting liberal and progressive Democratic ideals at Illinois Wesleyan. Recently,
IWU's chapter of College Democrats has worked on local political campaigns, hosted
discussions on current events and the presidential race, and hosted viewings of political
See the Democratic National Committee website for more information.
College Republicans
College Republicans is an organization of students dedicated to spreading conservative
values at the grassroots level both on campus and in the local community. On-campus
activities include bringing in speakers to talk about either their beliefs or their
campaigns. Off-campus, College Republicans do charity work, particularly in conjunction
with the Alzheimer's Association. They also work on various campaigns, fundraisers,
etc. Each year the organization participates in the state College Republican Convention.
Recently, College Republicans sent Christmas packages to soldiers in Iraq, hosted
speakers on the state of the Republican party in Illinois, sent students to the CPAC
Conference in Washington, D.C., and hosted viewings of political films in Beckman
See the Republican National Committee website for more information.
Midwest Model United Nations
The Midwest Model United Nations (MMUN) is an all-collegiate organization dedicated
to the concept of a "Venture in Practical Education." It is designed to furnish a
structure and forum for students to work with the most pressing international issues
from a perspective outside of the classroom, and thus broaden their awareness of the
world of politics. Representing the role of another nation's delegation to the United
Nations, students further realize the difficulties and complexities of international
relations. The Conference has three goals: to promote interest and understanding of
the nations of the world; to help students gain a broader perspective of global issues
and the role of the United Nations in world politics; and to encourage investigation
into the field of international studies.
See the Midwest Model United Nations website for more information.
Pi Sigma Alpha
The Articles of Incorporation of Pi Sigma Alpha state as one of its purposes "to stimulate
scholarship and intelligent interest in political science." The society functions
at the national level, sponsoring programs and events of value to the profession and
teaching of political science, and at the chapter level. Each chapter is encouraged
to provide a framework for enriching the exposure of its members and the wider university
community to the study of government and issues of public concern. In January 2008,
Pi Sigma Alpha hosted a mock presidential debate in which students portrayed the candidates,
followed by dinner to watch the State of the Union address. PSA also sponsored cash
prizes for the best submissions to Res Publica, the undergraduate political science
See the Pi Sigma Alpha website for more information.
IWU Student Senate
The IWU Student Senate, which represents all IWU students, is composed of elected representatives from each
of the living units (on the basis of population) and from off-campus, in addition
to executive officers and committee and commission chairpersons with specialized responsibilities.
Its standing commissions are concerned with academic affairs, the Student Union, media,
and student welfare and human relations. They provide educational programs, speakers,
films, religious activities, representation in the process of academic and social
policy changes, and other services. The Student Senate budget, totaling more than
$200,000 annually, is completely controlled by the Senate. Students sit on numerous
faculty and all-university committees and are regularly invited to meet with the university's
Board of Trustees and its committees.

William Munro - Betty Ritchie-Birrer '47 and Ivan Birrer, Ph.D. Endowed Professor of Political Science
Department - Political Science