Titan Orientation Leaders
Titan Orientation Leaders (TOLs) help incoming students transition to the IWU family. TOLs will provide leadership to students, interact with family members and guests, build relationships with IWU faculty and staff and be a part of making an impact on the university, all while developing personally and professionally.
Each year, IWU admits hundreds of students - freshman, transfer, and international - all of whom have their own separate orientation programs. The Office of Orientation Services facilitates two programs: Rising Titan (Summer) and Turning Titan (Fall). TOLs will be selected to participate in one or more of these programs.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Senior Titan Orientation Leaders.

Amari Baeza
Hey all, my name is Amari Baeza and I’m a senior TOL this year! I am a sophomore majoring in secondary education and mathematics, with hopes to become a high school math teacher. I work on campus as a math TA while also being a welcoming face at the Hansen Student Center. One piece of advice I’ve got for everyone is to have fun and enjoy the idea of new experiences. College seems like a scary step but coming in with a good mindset can make the biggest difference in how you work academically and socially. There’s so much to look forward to, see you around campus!"

Cayden Webster
Hello! My name is Cayden Webster. I am a member of the class of 2027 and am currentlypursuing a major in Political Science with a minor in the Humanities. Aside from being a SeniorTOL, I’m involved with my fraternity, Student Senate, and I also work on campus as a WritingCenter tutor. My involvement on campus has given me numerous opportunities to play a role infostering an inclusive, welcoming, and enriching community here at IWU. The best advice that Ican give to an incoming student is don’t shy away from opportunities to put yourself out thereand make a difference on campus.

Lizzie Davis
Hey everyone! My name is Lizzie Davis and I use she/her pronouns. I am a member of the class of 2026 and I am a Biology Pre-Med major working on a Spanish minor. On campus, I am involved in the Sigma Alpha Iota sorority, I serve as Treasurer of the Collegiate Choir, and I work in Holmes Hall with the Advancement Office. In my free time, I like listening to music, studying with my friends, and reading. My favorite thing about campus is the sense of community we have. You will be surrounded by people who want to see you succeed. My advice to you is to prioritize a work/life balance - study and prepare yourself to be the best student you can be, but also be kind to yourself and take care of your mind and body. I can’t wait to meet you all! TGOE

Ben Michalowski
Hi, my name is Ben Michalowski. I am double majoring in History and Secondary Education and will be a senior when orientation starts. Although I will be student teaching, I find that at IWU being heavily involved is still possible. I'm still able to be a part of the Pep band, Greek life, and various student organizations. My biggest advice to incoming students is to just be yourself. IWU is a great place to get to know future interests and lifelong friends because of the welcoming community. Get to know people in your class and start building those connections with professors in and out of your major. You never know what the future holds and having that networking can get your name out there early so you can land that dream job or internship.

Sebastian Alvarez
Hello there! My name is Sebastian Alvarez and I’m a senior TOL this year! I am a sophomore majoring in political science, hoping to pursue a career in law or politics. On campus, I’m involved with the College Democrats of IWU, Model United Nations, and within my fraternity. In my free time, you could find me at Shirk working out or listening to music, especially Radiohead and 80s music. My biggest piece of advice for incoming students is to be yourself and to get involved; the vast amount of RSO’s and other organizations on campus bring many opportunities to get involved and acclimated to IWU. I’m so excited to meet and guide you all for the beginning of your IWU experience! TGOE

Nathan Betancourt
Hello! My name is Nathan Betancourt, class of 2027. I am a current Biology major on the Pre-Med track. Wesleyan is a school that allows you to have endless possibilities. As a freshman I was able to do research with a professor, and aside from being a STOL, I am involved in various clubs and in Greek life. Wesleyan provides you every opportunity you need to succeed, and my advice is to take full advantage of what's offered. This is a time for growth and development, and stretching outside of your comfort zone, go out and try things you never thought you would do. I hope your experiencesare amazing and I can'twait to meet you all! TGOE!

Ellery Rohr
Hey everyone! My name is Ellery Rohr and I am a member of the class of 2027. I am a Kinesiology and Allied Health major with an Entrepreneurship minor. On campus, I am involved in my sorority, Sigma Kappa, as the Vice President of Learning and Development. I am also a student senator and Titan Ambassador where I work closely with incoming students and current students at IWU. In my free time I love to do yoga, go to coffee shops, listen to music, and read. My advice to incoming students is to be open to new opportunities and get involved as soon as possible. There are so many student organizations you can be a part of. We can’t wait to see you on campus!

Chris Wilson
Hello everyone! My name is Chris Wilson. I am a Nursing major with a minor in Psychology and will be a senior in the fall. I am from Forest City, IL, and am a member of Phi Gamma Delta. I work as a night shift CNA at Hopedale Medical Complex and have served as my fraternity's Historian, Corresponding Secretary, and Philanthropy Chairman. I have also participated in the IWU Wind Ensemble and enjoy doing community theater. After IWU, I plan to work as an ED nurse to gain experience before returning to school toobtaina Master of Science in Nursing. In my free time, I enjoy volunteering, traveling, and being involved with my community. Some advice I would give to incoming students is to take advantage of all that IWU has to offer, step out of your comfort zone, and meet new people. The people you surround yourself with will be your support system for the next four years. I can't wait to meet you all! TGOE!

Katie Poehlman
Hi all! My name is Katie Poehlman, and I am a part of the class of 2027. I am majoring in psychology. I spend time at IWU contributing to the Student Senate as the Sustainability Assistant Commissioner. I also work as an intramural staff manager and help with concessions in the Shirk Center. This is my second year as a Titan Orientation Leader, and I want to continue inspiring and guiding incoming students in their new environment. As an incoming student, I urge you to take advantage of all the fantastic opportunities IWU provides and get involved in student organizations. I hope you find a home at IWU as I have, and don't forget...TGOE!

Mariah Reading
Hi everyone! My name is Mariah Reading; I am a member of the class of 2027. I am majoring in Elementary Education with a Reading Endorsement, hoping to be a first-grade teacher after graduation. I also have hopes in furthering my education to be certified to teach Special Education. I work on campus in the science building as well as off-campus at a local Elementary School. IWU has so many opportunities to offer you on and off campus, and I can’t wait to help you guys experience them all. My advice to incoming students is to be yourself. College seems scary, and it's easy to try and hide who you are in the hope of meeting new people. But I assure you that embracing who you are to your fullest capacity will attract some of the greatest people that you get to spend the rest of your college years with!
For questions please contact orientation@iwu.edu