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Sacred Space on Campus

medroom"Embracing religious diversity on campus means accommodating the spiritual needs of students not only through staffing and programming, but also through architectural spaces that accommodate a variety of religious, spiritual, and ethical practices. Interfaith spaces are a visible symbol of an institution's commitment to welcoming religious diversity..." ─Interfaith Youth Core's resource, Creating An Interfaith Room or Space on Campus

The Multifaith Meditation Room is located on the second floor of the Memorial Center and was remodeled and dedicated in 2015 as an inclusive space for all students. Cushions make it a comfortable place to sit and reflect, and an interfaith library of books and resources is provided in the cabinets within the space. This space is open whenever the Memorial Center is open.

evelynEvelyn Chapel is a beautiful space, rightly recognized as an outstanding example of 20th-century ecclesial architecture. Its sanctuary is sought after as a space for weddings and recitals. The lower level contains rooms regularly reserved for campus programs, RSO (Registered Student Organization) meetings, Bible studies, and receptions.  It also houses the Chapel's Interfaith Library, and chaplain Walt Wiltschek's office is located there. The second floor, with seating set around a large picture window overlooking the Quad, is an especially quiet space and may be reserved for small group gatherings and meetings.


meditationThe Multifaith Meditation Garden, featuring a Multifaith Green Rule Tree, is an outdoor space on the east side of Evelyn Chapel.  It was designed by Nicole Chlebek '16, a Multifaith Ambassador Environmental Studies major, as a place to sit and reflect amidst a diversity of native prairie plants and wildflowers.