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20 Questions

  1. What is the dominant language spoken in your host country? Are there other languages commonly spoken?  What are the social freeman18and political implications of language usage?
  2. What are the major holidays and celebrations in your host country? How are they observed?
  3. What sports are popular?  What are the favorite leisure and recreational activities?
  4. Who are the country’s national heroes and heroines?
  5. How do people organize their daily activities? What is the normal meal schedule? Is their a daytime rest period? What is the customary time for visiting friends?
  6. How do people greet one another?  Shake hands?  Embrace or kiss?  How do they leave one another?  What does any variation from the usual greeting or leave-taking signify?
  7. What foods are most popular and how are they prepared?
  8. What is the predominant religion?  Is it a state religion?  What are the most important religious observances and ceremonies?  How do members of the predominant religion feel about other religions?
  9. How is the national government structured?  Is there a president?  A prime minister?  Are elections held, and if so, how often are they held?
  10. Can you recognize the national anthem?
  11. Are typical families nuclear or extended?  At what age do people normally move out of their  parents’ home?
  12. What are the special privileges of age and/or sex?
  13. What is the general attitude toward divorce?  Is it legal?  What about extramarital relations?  Homosexuality?  Contraception?
  14. What are the laws and attitudes toward gambling?  Drinking?  Drugs?
  15. Is the price asked for merchandise fixed or are customers expected to bargain?  How is bargaining conducted?  If, as a customer, you touch or handle the merchandise or sale, will the storekeeper think you are knowledgeable, inconsiderate, within your rights, or completely outside your rights?
  16. On what occasions would you present gifts to or accept gifts from local people?  What kind of gifts would you exchange?
  17. What is the history of the relationship between this country and the U.S.?
  18. What kind of local public transportation is available? Do all classes of people use it?
  19. Who has the right of way in traffic: vehicles, animals, pedestrians?
  20. How will your financial position and living conditions compare with those of the majority of the locals?