Humanities Courses
The interdisciplinary Humanities program courses include the 100-level courses in the World of Ideas sequence as well as upper-level special topics courses.
World of Ideas Sequence
These courses are intended to increase students’ awareness of basic human values—intellectual, social, literary, historical, ethical, and artistic—through an examination of the works and movements throughout history that both shaped and were shaped by Western Thought. Attention is given to male and female voices that have accepted or rejected values and assumptions of their time.
The courses move chronologically from antiquity to the present, but each course may be taken independently. Literature, art, film, music, and philosophy are examined in their cultural and historical contexts. Courses combine discussion and lecture with an emphasis on the development of writing skills and both critical and creative thinking. Students are encouraged to enroll in their freshman or sophomore year.
HUM 101 - World of Ideas: The Ancient World (IT)
Introduction to the great thinkers of the ancient world, including sacred and secular poetry and prose; and to ancient art and architecture. Offered annually.
HUM 102 - World of Ideas: ca. 10th-16th Centuries (IT)
The history of an idea or theme from the Western Middle Ages through the Renaissance. Offered annually.
HUM 103 - World of Ideas: 17th-18th Centuries (IT)
The important works and movements of the two centuries leading up to the modern era. Offered annually.
HUM 104 - World of Ideas: The Modern Era (IT, G)
Important works and movements of the 19th, 20th, and the 21st Centuries in their historical and cultural context. Offered annually.
First Year Humanities Fellows Seminar
HUM 120 - First-Year Humanities Fellows Seminar
This course will allow First-Year Humanities Fellows to learn through a wide range of experiences, including attendance at lectures, poetry and fiction readings, performances, and museum visits. Credit/No Credit. Prerequisites: C- in Gateway and consent of instructor. (0.5 unit) Offered each spring
Special Topics
HUM 270 - Special Topics in the Humanities
Courses under this heading are designed to explore a wide variety of topics in the humanities that are not covered under any other course number. All texts are in English. This course may be repeated if the subject matter differs. See current Program of Classes to determine if this course fulfills general education requirements. Offered occasionally.
HUM 370 - Special Topics in the Humanities
Advanced examination of topics in the humanities. All texts are in English. Work in original languages, if not English, is allowed, after consultation with the instructor. Pre-requisite: Gateway Colloquium. This course may be repeated if the subject matter differs. See current Program of Classes to determine if this course fulfils general education requirements. Offered occasionally.

Joanne Diaz - Isaac Funk Endowed Professor of English
Department - English