Example Course Plan
History Course Plan (first 4 semesters)
This is an example course plan based on the 2023–2024 University Catalog; your actual
schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to
select appropriate courses.
As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester
towards completing graduation requirements using the MyIWU degree audit tool.
Fall Semester
- 100 or 200-level History Course
- Gateway Colloquium
- General Education Course
- Second Language Course
- Physical Education (PEX)
Spring Semester
- 100 or 200-level History Course
- General Education Course (or Gateway if not completed in the Fall)
- General Education Course
- Second Language Course
- Physical Education (PEY)
May Term
- Optional
Fall Semester
- 100 or 200-level History Course
- General Education Course
- Second Language Course
- Physical Education (PEY)
- Any 100, 200, or 300-level History Course
Spring Semester
- History 290
- Required spring semester sophomore year or junior year for transfer students.
- Any 100, 200, or 300 level history course
- General Education course
- General Education course
- PE
Study Abroad
History majors are strongly encouraged to study abroad. For students interested in studying abroad, the recommended semester(s) is: any semester, or entire junior year.
Additional Information
- IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THOSE WHO THINK THEY MIGHT WANT TO PURSUE HISTORY SECONDARY EDUCATION: Consider taking the following courses: PSCI 101 (CSI, U); ECON 100 (CSI); and PSYC 100 (LSI). Do not take an IT requirement in your first year.
- Students planning to double major in History and Secondary Education should also follow the History/Secondary Education Course Plan.