Alumni and Careers
Our Environmental Studies program prepares students for jobs in government, business, or the not-for-profit sector; careers in environmental consulting, journalism, law, policy, and research; as well as advanced degrees in an array of fields. Check out what some of our alumni have done!
Tera Wilson
Year of Graduation: 2020
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies (General)
IWU Major 2: Economics (Financial)
At IWU: President of Peace Garden, co-President of the Economics Society, Slightly Underwhelming Podcast, lead Resident Community Advisor (RCA), Freeman Asia Internship Program
After Graduation: Field Economist at the Bureau of Labor Statistics working on collecting data from companies for publications for the Department of Labor.
Rebecca Fiedler
Year of Graduation: 2016
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (General)
IWU Minors: Sociology and Health
At IWU: Student worker for the Environmental Studies department, named Outstanding Senior in Environmental Studies, Internship at Gawad Kalinga in the Philippines
After Graduation: Interned for the Waste Compliance and Reduction Section at the Illinois EPA through the Governer’s Environmental Corps program. Project Manager in the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Section of the Illinois EPA.
Megan George
Year of Graduation: 2013
IWU Major:
Environmental Studies (General)
At IWU: Taking Back the Tap initiative, co-president of the Sierra Student Coalition, GREENetwork Sustainability Educator, worked on Sustainability Initiatives within the Danish Institute of Study Abroad, Interned at Bloomington Public Works Department
After Graduation: Worked with the Literary Volunteers of Illinois as a member of VOCAL Americorps. Worked in the Outreach and Community Engagement Department at the Danville Public Library. Earned a Masters in Public Administration with a focus on local government from Portland State University. Served as operations director for the League of Oregon Cities, the Assistant to the City Manager for Carlton, Oregon, and is currently the Deputy City Manager for Tualatin, Oregon.
Kari Grace
Year of Graduation: 2011
IWU Major 1:
IWU Major 2:
Hispanic Studies
IWU Minor: Environmental Studies
At IWU: Sierra Student Coalition, Co-chair for GREENetwork, Sustainability Educator for the Office of Residential Life, Resource Conservation Intern with the Action Research Center
After Graduation: Interned with the Center for Neighborhood Technology, Greenleaf Advisors and Greenleaf Communities in Chicago.
Tom Marlow
Year of Graduation: 2011
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (General)
IWU Minor: Chemistry
At IWU: Worked on volunteer and school projects regarding sustainable agriculture in Bloomington-Normal and the surrounding area, Interned with the National Parks Conservation Association of Chicago.
After Graduation: Researched and written several reports analyzing sustainable alternatives for vegetation management in the National Parks Service. Published a National Resource Report entitled “Managing Vegetation for Children.” Attended Brown University to study Sociology with a specialty in Environmental and Urban Sociology. While there, he was a fellow at the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society as well as a funded trainee in the Brown Superfund Research Program. After receiving his Ph.D., he moved to Abu Dhabi to work as a postdoctoral fellow at New York University Abu Dhabi’s Center for Interacting Urban Networks (CITIES). His research has been published in academic environmental studies journals such as Climate Policy, Environmental Health Perspectives, and Environmental Research Letters and covered in media outlets such as the Washington Post, Scientific American, The Guardian, and The BBC.
Margaret Kane
Year of Graduation: 2009
IWU Major: Environmental Studies
At IWU: Sustainability Educator, Studied Abroad to the British Columbia
After Graduation: Served in Americorps Cape Cod. Worked as a Naturalist at Glen Helen Nature Preserve in Ohio. Gained a certificate in Sustainable Farming from the University of Vermont. Works as a produce buyer at City Market/Onion River Co-op, a community-owned grocery store in Vermont.
Thomas Schroeder
Year of Graduation:
IWU Major 1:
Environmental Studies
IWU Major 2:
At IWU: Developed a proposal for the University to compost that was then adopted and implemented by the University in early 2011, developed a set of sustainable and efficient building strategies for a planned transitional housing facility on campus, performed water quality testing in Central Illinois' streams and rivers for Dr. Jim Simeone and the Prairie Rivers Network.
After Graduation: Worked as a staff scientist for an environmental consulting company, Currently works as an environmental engineer.
Leslie Morrison
Year of Graduation: 2008
Major: Environmental Studies (General)
After Graduation: Spent five years at the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and a year with Green Corps where she helped shut down a coal plant, campaigned against a natural export facility, and built support for anti-fracking legislation in Maryland. Currently works as the outreach facilitator at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Leslie Coleman
Year of Graduation:
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies
IWU Major 2:
International Studies (Development)
At IWU: Co-founded the Sierra Student Coalition, interned with
the Illinois EPA, the Land Connection, and the Merck Family Fund, received the Udall
After Graduation: Served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in The Gambia where she implemented an ecological monitoring program for the Department of Parks and Wildlife. Attended New York University School of Law as a Root-Tilden-Kern Scholar, interning with the Environmental Defense Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the EPA. Currently is an attorney at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Denver office, where she advises on Clean Air Act issues.
Emily Schirmacher
Year of Graduation:
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (International Environmental Sustainability
IWU Minor: English
At IWU: Advisor of Munsell Hall, Co-President of the Peace Garden, GREENetwork, Titan Band, Peace Corps Prep Program, Environmental Studies Student Worker, Sigma Tau Delta member, Founder of Student Advisory Committee, Pi Sigma Alpha Member, Interned at West Bloomington Revitalization Project, Studied abroad in Denmark and Artic Norway.
Lindsey Peters
Year of Graduation: 2019
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies (International Environmental Sustainability)
IWU Major 2: Hispanic Studies

At IWU: Studied abroad in Ecuador, interned abroad in Japan through the Freeman Asia Program
After Graduation: Works as a husbandry technician with the nonprofit exotic bird sanctuary The Gabriel Foundation.
Katherine Henebry
Year of Graduation:
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies (International Environmental Sustainability
IWU Major 2: Business Administration (Marketing)
At IWU: President of the Peace Garden, Student Co-Chair of GREENetwork, Resident Assistant, Writing Center Tour, Studied abroad in London and Vietnam, Interned abroad in the Philippines through the Freeman Asia program.
After Graduation: Worked as a Watershed Management Intern at the Illinois EPA through the Governor’s Environmental Corps. Obtained a Masters in City Planning at the University of Glasgow. Currently works as an Infrastructure Officer in the Places for Everyone Team of Sustrans.
Cameron McKee
Year of Graduation: 2017
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies (Policy)
IWU Major 2: Psychology
IWU Minor: Human Services Management
At IWU: Sierra Student Coalition, captain of the IWU Dance Team, choreographer and member of IWU’s Cohesion Dance Company, co-founder and vice president of the IWU chapter of the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, APO service fraternity, sustainability educator, student research assistant for the IWU Dog Scientists, student research assistant studying the effects of Environmental Awe, policy intern at the Illinois Environmental Council, studied abroad in Costa Rica and Greece.
After Graduation: Conducted research on employee reactions to electromagnetic glass windows in an office setting. Traveled to China to work with student at Zhejiang University in developing a design strategy for their campus. Earned her Master of Science of Cornell University in Human Environmental Relations with a concentration in Environmental Psychology and a minor in Information Science. Currently works as a Strategy and Change Analysis focusing on living-centered design processes with Blue Cottage of Cannon Design in Chicago, IL.
An Nguyen
Year of Graduation: 2016
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (International Sustainability)
IWU Minors: Biology and English
At IWU: Sierra Student Coalition, Studied abroad in Denmark, Interned at the Illinois Green Business Association, Worked as a project consultant for the Sustainable Seafood Campaign of the World Wildlife Fund Greater Mekong Delta in Vietnam, Interned at the Green Institute at Heartland College.
After Graduation: Worked as a clean air manager for the American Lung Associatin in Springfield, Earned an MS degree in Environmental and Occupational Health from City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health and Policy, specializing in Occupation Health and Safety. Worked as an Industrial Hygienist for TRC Companies in New York. Currently works as the Environmental Health and Safety Specialist for Columbia University in NYC.
Kirsten Slaughter
Year of Graduation: 2016
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Policy)
IWU Minor: Political Science
At IWU: President of the Illinois Wesleyan College Democrats, co-president of the Sierra Student Coalition, student worker for IWU’s Environmental Studies program, swim team, studied abroad in the Philippines through the Freeman Asia program, interned with the Wisconsin Farmers Union.
After Graduation: Currently working for the Wisconsin Farmers Union as a Membership and Education Organizer where she does youth cooperative education, produce food safety education and works with WFU chapters.
Kira Miller
Year of Graduation: 2016
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Policy)
IWU Minor: Anthropology
At IWU: Alpha Phi Omega, president of the Anthropology club, 2016 IWU Peace Fellow.
After Graduation: Lead trails projects and other conservation efforts in Vermont and Utah for their Youth Conservation Corps programs. Currently works as a wildland firefighter for the US Forest service in their apprenticeship program.
Amanda King
Year of Graduation: 2015
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (International Sustainability)
IWU Minor: Political Science
At IWU: Interned at the Sugar Grove Nature Center and the IWU Peace Garden, Studied abroad in Australia.
After Graduation: Served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Benin working with women’s groups on nutrition initiatives and sustainable agricultural practices. Earned her masters in Environmental Policy from Bard College. Currently works as a Program Assistant for the Global Risk and Resilience Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.
Brittany Brady
Year of Graduation: 2015
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Policy)
IWU Minor: Health Studies
At IWU: Liaison for the Sierra Student Coalition, Peace Garden, Kappa Kappa Gamma, interned at the Ecology Action Center, planned for the Illinois Sustainable Living and Wellness Expo with the IWU Wellness Program, planned Women’s Health Night with the Illinois Heart and Lung Foundation.
After Graduation: Currently works as the Oncology Education Coordinator at the Wellness House. Active in the Nature RX initiative through The Conservation Foundation. Involved in children’s environmental health efforts through the DuPage County Health Department.
Tatum DeMay
Year of Graduation: 2015
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Environmental Policy)
IWU Minor: Chemistry
At IWU: Co-president of the Sierra Student Coalition, completed summer REUs at Central Michigan University’s Biological Station and the University of Nevada, Reno
After Graduation: Earned an M.A. in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Environmental Planning and Management as well as a graduate certificate in GIS from the University of Illinois at Springfield. Interred with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Currently works as an Environmental Protection Specialist in the Bureau of Water at IEPA.
Kylie Wagner
Year of Graduation: 2014
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies (Environmental Policy)
IWU Major 2: Music
After Graduation: Worked as an organizer on Wendy Davis’s 2014 campaign for governor of Texas. Managed Greenpeace distributed organizing platform. Currently works as Advocacy & Fundraising Coordinator at Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) specializing on work with Moms Clean Air Force and Defend Our Future.
Joe Daniels
Year of Graduation: 2013
IWU Major:
Environmental Studies (International Sustainability)
IWU Minor:
At IWU: Cross country team, Student Senate liaison for the Sierra Student Coalition, studied abroad in New Zealand and Costa Rica, Interned at the Sugar Grove Nature Center.

After Graduation: Volunteered with the Peace Corps as an environmental educator in Nicaragua. Currently an Environmental Protection Specialist with the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs. Earned an Executive Masters of Natural Resources from Virginia Tech’s Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability.
Jennifer Long
Year of Graduation: 2013
IWU Major 1:
Environmental Studies (International Sustainability)
IWU Major 2:
At IWU: Sierra Student Coalition, Immersion fellow in Chicago with Foresight Design initiative, interned with the Ecology Action Center, interned with the Sugar Grove Nature Center, studied abroad in Tanzania.
After Graduation: Earned an MBA in Sustainable Management, Leadership & Change Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance. Worked as the Development Officer and Assistant Director of Development at DePaul University. Worked as the Development Director for the USO of Illinois. Currently works as the Associate Executive Director of the nonprofit Surge for Water.
Liz Wimmer
Year of Graduation: 2013
IWU Major:
Environmental Studies (Environmental Policy)
At IWU: Sustainability educator, Co-president of the Sierra Student Coalition, studied abroad in Australia, interned at the Sugar Grove Nature Center, the Ecology Action Center, and the Chicago Botanic Garden
After Graduation: Currently works as a program manager for the Illinois Green Alliance where she works with K-12 schools to implement sustainable practices.
Danny Kenny
Year of Graduation: 2013
IWU Major 1:
Environmental Studies (International Sustainability and Environmental Policy)
IWU Major 2: Hispanic Studies
At IWU: Co-chair of GREENetwork, Student Senate Awareness Commissioner, President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, Captain of the soccer team, studied abroad in Barcelona, worked as the Environmental Studies student assistant, was heavily involved in the creation o the IWU Peace Garden, worked with the Action Research Center on print conservation on campus, created a drought contingency plan for State Farm Insurance, and promoted business recycling in the Bloomington-Normal community.
After Graduation: Currently working as a Dunn fellow in the Governor’s Office of Legislative Affairs in Springfield, Illinois. Taking graduate classes at the University of Illinois-Springfield for the Master’s of Environmental Studies, where he also serves as the Men’s Assistant Soccer Coach.
Hannah Williams
Year of Graduation: 2012
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (International Sustainability)
IWU Minor: Anthropology

At IWU: Co-president of the Sierra Student Coalition, GREENetwork, interned at the Sugar Grove Nature Center, interned at the Ecology Action Center, and interned as an environmental interpreter ofr the National Park Service in a remote native village in Alaska.
After Graduation: Currently works as a 2012 Teach for America corps (TFA) member.
Anna Groves Funk
Year of Graduation: 2011
IWU Major:
Environmental Studies (Ecology and Policy Concentrations)
At IWU: Sustainability educator, university choir, published a research paper with Dr. Harper, founded Titan Thunder, awarded Outstanding Senior in Environmental Studies (2011), worked summers as an ecological field assistant in Illinois and Nevada.
After Graduation: Went to graduate school for plant biology at Michigan State and earned a Ph.D. through research on prairie restoration ecology. Spent a summer writing for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on an AAAS Mass Media Felloship. Currently works full time as an editor at Discover Magazine.
Emmy Grace
Year of Graduation: 2011
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies (International Sustainability)
IWU Major 2: Hispanic Studies
At IWU: Sustainability educator, Co-president of the Sierra Student Coalition, GREENetwork, resource conservation intern with the Action Research Center, worked with the Ecology Action Center, studied abroad in the UK, Costa Rica, and Ecuador.
After Graduation: Volunteered with LETS GO Chicago. Interned with the Sierra Club. Worked with Amazon Watch. Earned a dual degree M.A. program with American University and the UN-affiliated University for Peace in Costa Rica in International Affairs and Natural Resources and Sustainable Development. Currently works as the Director for Community Engagement at De la Gente, an organization based in Guatemala that works with coffee cooperatives and local artisans to increase economic opportunities.
Danny Burke
Year of Graduation: 2009
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Policy)
IWU Major 2: Hispanic Studies
At IWU: Received the John and Erma Peace Fellowship through which he worked on the topic of food justice and helped the Bloomington Farmers’ Market to accept SNAP, obtained the Weir Fellowship for action research to support his study of food justice in West Bloomington.
After Graduation: Selected as an Emerson National Hunger Fellow through which he worked with the Congressional Hunger Center and the Food Research and Action Center. Worked as SNAP policy coordinator for the Illinois Hunger Coalition. Served as Coordinator for the Campus Kitchen at Northwestern University. Currently works as the Director of Development for Students Run Philly Style. He also runs Sigel Sauce, a community-centered sauce operation.
Ryan Smith
Year of Graduation: 2007
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Policy)
IWU Minor: Political Science
At IWU: co-founded the IWU Sierra Student Coalition, interned with the Illinois EPA, interned with Greenpeace USA, received the IWU Student Leadership and Distinguished Service Award
After Graduation: Served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Gambia and taught English as a Second Language in South Korea. Spent 10 years as an administrator for Explore Schools of Brooklyn. Led Talent and Operations for Community Resource Center. Currently runs a small recruitment consulting firm, Public Good Talent, assisting nonprofit organizations with their hiring needs.
Leah Bieniak
Year of Graduation: 2021
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Ecology)
At IWU: Sierra Student Coalition, Spanish and Latino Student Association, The Muslim Student Association, GREENetwork, Environmental Studies student worker, teacher’s assistant for the Principles of Ecology Course, Eckley summer scholar, studied abroad in Barcelona
Janna Fitzgerald
Year of Graduation: 2020
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Ecology)
IWU Minor: Theater Arts
At IWU: Editor-in-Chief of The Argus, primary arranger and section lead for the Touch of Class a capella group, executive board member for the IWU Peace Garden, Co-Lead Editor of Tributaries, President of Gamma Upsilon, Student director of Five Shows, studied abroad in Australia where she conducted her senior research, interned at MN350, interned with Phillip Island Nature Parks, received the WE Schultz Award for Excellence in Media Management, received the Excellence in Advancing Environmental Sustainability Award
After Graduation: Currently working as a data analyst for Ecolab.
Nicole Chlebek
Year of Graduation: 2016
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies (Ecology)
IWU Major 2: Sociology
At IWU: Co-President of the Sierra Student Coalition, Sustainability Head on Student Senate, Financial Advisory Board member on Student Senate, GREENetwork committee, Multifaith ambassador, interned at Sugar Grove Nature Center, studied abroad through SIT Tanzania, studied abroad in Costa Rica, interned in the Philippines
Alexander Mueller
Year of Graduation: 2016
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Ecology)
At IWU: Climbing club, Rugby club, football team, Phi Gamma Delta, Land Management and Conservation Intern with Grand Prairie Friends, Environmental Intern at the Sugar Grove Nature Center, ASB Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, studied abroad in Costa Rica, presented his research titled “A Survey of Bird-Window Collisions on the Illinois Wesleyan University Campus” at the 2016 John Wesley Powell Student Research Conference
After Graduation: Earned his Master of Science in Biology at the University of Memphis. Co-authored three ornithology articles published in peer-reviewed journals in 2019. Has worked as a field technician and solar installer with Auric Energy LLC, a seasonal laborer with the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, and a seasonal biological science technician at Arches and Canyonlands National Parks in Utah.
Carolyn Ashley
Year of Graduation: 2014
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Ecology)
IWU Minor: Biology
At IWU: Peace garden manager, Sierra Student Coalition, the VVV (Vegetarians & Vegans, Victorious), developed an educational program for a nearby preschool, participated weekly in the Uptown Normal Trailside Market
After Graduation: Currently working in the Chicago area as a Field Ecologist with V3 Companies, focusing on ecological restoration in wetlands and prairies as well as tree and plant installation for county parks and forest preserves.
Jeff Golladay
Year of Graduation: 2014
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Ecology)
At IWU: Manager at the Coffee Shoppe, Renewable Energy Intern at Heartland Community College’s Green Initiative
After Graduation: Worked as a field ecologist for 2.5 years in the Chicago area for Tallgrass Restoration. Volunteered with AmeriCorps for 3 months to do trail maintenance on the Pacific Crest Trail in California. Earned his Masters in Biology from Northern Illinois University. Currently works as an environmental scientist for Alpha Environmental in Asheville, North Carolina.
Jinny Alexander
Year of Graduation: 2014
IWU Major: Environmental Studies (Ecology)
IWU Minor 1: Biology
IWU Minor 2: German
At IWU: Sierra Student Coalition, studied abroad in Germany, partnered with the Normal Parks and Recreation Department to research the susceptibility of trees in Maxwell Park to future invasive tree pest outbreaks
After Graduation: Worked as a botany technician, forest ecology intern in Minnesota, an environmental technician in Utah, a conservation and land management intern for the Chicago Botanic Gardens, a seed collector for the Universit of Minnesota-Duluth, a natural resources biological science technician for the US Forest Service, and a research assistant for the Nature Conservancy. Earned a Masters in Ecology from the University of North Carolina. Currently working as a Monitoring Botanist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Amanda Solliday
Year of Graduation: 2006
IWU Major 1: Environmental Studies (Ecology)
IWU Major 2: Biology
After Graduation: Earned a Master’s from Cornell in the Crop and Soil Sciences program, with a focus on International Agriculture and Rural Development. Worked at the EPA Headquarters in the Office of Pesticide Programs. Earned a Masters of journalism from Indiana University. Currently works as the director of communication for the Office of Global Affairs at Duke University.