After Graduation

"The Computer Science program at IWU has made me successful and marketable in the computer industry due to the breadth of education provided. The focus on not just programming but on writing and research gave me a leg up on other Computer Scientists. The program introduced just enough of the other key concepts, like computer architecture, to give me the tools necessary to be able to succeed wherever necessary.
Long story short, the IWU computer Science education combined with an excellent Liberal Arts education, which taught me 'how to learn', has given me all I have needed to feel competitive in the technology industry!"
Jay Bryant - OpenStack Cinder Subject Matter Expert - IBM Corp
A computer science education at Illinois Wesleyan University, with its foundational approach to computing within the context of a liberal arts curriculum, prepares students for a wide range of careers and graduate programs. A recent report from the Georgetown Public Policy Institute notes that computer science has "a stable employment outlook" and that median earnings for recent college graduates by major were second only to engineering graduates. Many of our students take paid summer internships and often continue in full time positions with the same companies after graduation.
This listing of position title and company of recent graduates shows the wide range of positions for which our program prepared them:
Patent Specialist | Wilson Ham & Holman (law firm) |
Mainframe Systems Analyst and Intern Advisor | State Farm Insurance Companies |
Associate Software Developer | Channel Clarity |
Graduate Research Assistant, Computer Science | Washington University in St. Louis |
Software Development Engineer | Amazon |
Project Analyst | Illinois Wesleyan University |