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Business Administration Major Requirements

Major Sequence

Foundation Courses

The following courses should ideally be completed by the end of sophomore year.

  • GW 100 Gateway Colloquium
  • ECON 100 Introduction to Economics
  • ECON 227 Statistics for Business and Economics
  • MATH 110 Finite Mathematics, MATH 140 Mathematical Modeling; Finance, MATH 176 Calculus or University credit for AP Calculus
  • ACC 112 Accounting for Decision Making I
  • ACC 212 Accounting for Decision Making II

Business Core Courses

  • BUS 331 Marketing Principles and Management
  • BUS 341 Organization and Management
  • BUS 355 Business Law I
  • BUS 490 Strategy and Policy
  • FIN 303 Financial Management

Advanced Business Administration-Focused Coursework

You are required to successfully complete any combination of four courses from any 200-300-400 BUS, ACC or FIS offering.

  • BUS 220 Foundation of Information Systems
  • BUS 230 Relationship Driven Professional Sales
  • BUS 240 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • BUS 280 Business and Society
  • BUS 330 Funding Startups and Nonprofits
  • BUS 332 Marketing in Services Industries and Not-for-Profit Organizations
  • BUS 333 Marketing Channels
  • BUS 334 Marketing and Social Responsibility
  • BUS 335 Consumer Behavior
  • BUS 338 Negotiation in Business and Sales
  • BUS 340 Starting a Business
  • BUS 342 Production/Operations Management
  • BUS 344 Human Resources Management
  • BUS 350 Law for Entrepreneurs
  • BUS 356 Business Law II
  • BUS 358 and 358 D1 Sales Leadership and Directed Study Lab
  • BUS 451 International Business

Additional courses in special topics, internships, independent study and project are available with consent from the department head.

Minor Required Courses

Six courses to include:

  • ACC 112 Accounting for Decision Making I
  • ACC 212 Accounting for Decision Making II
  • BUS 331 Marketing Principles and Management
  • BUS 341 Organization and Management
  • FIN 303 Financial Management
  • ECON 227 Statistics for Business and Economics