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Registered Student Organizations

Five students participate in the Holi festival on the quad.

Interested in Starting a New RSO?

There are currently over 100 Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) on campus! Prior to starting a new RSO, review the RSOs that are currently on campus to see if there is a group that aligns with your desired involvement. 

Student organizations must do the following to become a Registered Student Organization at IWU:

  1. Schedule a meeting with the Office of Student Involvement to discuss your plans and ideas for your organization.
  2. Ensure you have a minimum of three executive board members (IWU students) who are invested in the success of the RSO. A total of 5 interested members (this includes the 3 executive board members) are required to start a RSO. 
  3. Find a current IWU faculty or staff member to serve as the RSO's faculty or staff advisor.  It is the RSO student leader/contact person’s responsibility to find an advisor and to maintain contact with that person.
  4. As a group, the potential new RSO should meet and develop a Mission Statement or if affiliated with a national organization review that mission statement or constitution.
  5. Submit this online form. Be sure to upload your mission statement or constitution. 
  6. Attend the Student Senate RSO training or meet with the Student Senate executive board (if group is formed after the RSO training in August) 


An email will be sent out notifying the group of their new status as Registered Student Organizations.

Any time during the process organizations are welcome to visit the Office of Student Involvement located in the Hansen Student Center or email with questions.  You may also find helpful information for your RSO on the RSO Resource page.

Why Become a Registered Student Organization?

When your organization becomes an official Registered Student Organization at IWU, it is eligible to receive certain benefits. These benefits include:

  • Funding from Student Senate
  • Reserving space and resources for your organization's meetings, events and activities
  • Reserving and using university vehicles
  • Business office account for holding funds received from dues, membership fees, etc.
  • Notification of leadership development opportunities for your organization's leaders and members
  • Assistance with promoting your organization and guidance on planning events and activities (i.e., RSO Fair)