Nursing Course Plan
Example Nursing Four-Year Course Plan
This is an example course plan based on the 2023-2024 University Catalog; your actual schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to select appropriate courses. Course descriptions can be found within the University Catalog.
As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester towards completing graduation requirements using the MyIWU degree audit tool.
Fall Semester
- BIOL 107 (lecture and lab) Human Biology: Anatomy & Physiology
- CHEM 110 (lecture and lab) Basic Chemistry
- HLTH 230 Human Nutrition
- Gateway Colloquium
- Physical Education (PEX)
Spring Semester
- BIOL 108 (lecture and lab) Human Biology: Anatomy & Physiology
- BIOL 114 (lecture and lab) The Microbial World
- PSYC 253 Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- General Education Course
- Physical Education (PEY)
May Term
- Choose one of the following (optional):
- Travel International/domestic
- General Education Course
- Elective
Fall Semester
- NURS 214 Nursing and Society (CSI)
- NURS 217 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I
- NURS 260 Nursing Foundations I: Health Assessment and Professional Communication (with lab)
- General Education Course
Spring Semester
- NURS 218 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II *
- NURS 280 Nursing Foundations II: Health Promotion and Risk Reduction (with lab) *
- General Education Course *
- General Education Course *
May Term
- Choose one of the following (optional):
- Travel International/domestic
- General Education Course
- Elective
* Study Abroad is recommended for the Spring semester of your second year. Please check with your advisor for options. Students in spring study abroad must use May Term to demonstrate clinical competencies.
Fall Semester
- NURS 320 Adult Nursing I
- NURS 330 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
- NURS 385 Research in Nursing Practice (Fall or Spring semester)
- BUS 341: Organization & Management (Fall or Spring semester junior year or Fall senior year )
- General Education Course / Elective
Spring Semester
- NURS 380 Adult Nursing II
- NURS 360 Child and Adolescent Nursing
- General Education Course / Elective
- General Education Course / Elective
- NURS 385: Research in Nursing Practice (Fall or Spring semester)
- BUS 341: Organization & Management (Fall or Spring semester of junior year or Fall senior year)
May Term
- Choose one of the following (optional):
- Travel International/domestic
- General Education Course
- Elective
- Internship
Fall Semester
- NURS 400 Nursing in Complex Situations
- NURS 430 Maternal and Newborn Nursing
- BUS 341 Organization and Management (Fall or Spring semester junior year or Fall semester senior year)
- N485: Seminar in Professional Nursing
(General Education Credit for Writing Intensive;
capstone experience); Fall or Spring semester - General Education, Internship, or Honors Research/Elective
Spring Semester
- NURS 450 Nursing Leadership and Management in Health Care
- NURS 460 Public Health Nursing
- NURS 485 Seminar in Professional Nursing
(General Education Credit for Writing Intensive;
capstone experience); Fall or Spring semester - General Education, Internship, or Honors Research/Elective
Study Abroad
All nursing majors are encouraged to take a Language Placement Test. All Hispanic Studies minors and students planning to study abroad are required to take the Language Placement Exam. The IWU Spain Program in Barcelona is an option for second semester sophomores who have an intermediate level of Spanish proficiency. Other study abroad options are available for May Term and Summer.
Additional Information
- This is the schedule for the general nursing program. During May, many students study special topics in nursing and health care through travel courses such as Transcultural Nursing in Hawaii. Individualized internships may be completed at any time during the school year or during May Term. Spanish internships may be completed in Mexico or at domestic clinical sites.
- Nursing majors will be placed in the following required courses by the Registrar's Office: BIOL 107 (not the lab); CHEM 110 (not the lab), and Gateway (if possible). Students will work with their academic advisor to select a BIO 107 lab, CHEM 110 lab, and a section of HLTH 230.
- Gateway: First-year nursing majors have few options for fall term. However, if they are not placed in a Gateway Colloquium by the Registrar's Office, they will have the option of other general education courses or those related to a course with minor study.
- All first-year nursing majors should meet their physical education requirements during the first two semesters, and May term.
- Nursing majors should be encouraged to enroll as follows:
- Fine arts course, particularly during May term.
- Gateway in the fall (Gateways are limited in spring).
- Writing intensive, May Term of the first year or Fall of sophomore year.

Stephanie Moore - Recruitment Coordinator, Professional Laboratory Associate: Clinical Expert
Department - School Of Nursing