Health & Safety
Arnold Health Service is located on the ground floor of Magill Hall with the entrance on the north side of the building. Office hours are 8 am -12 pm and 1 pm - 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. A Certified Nurse Practitioner and a Registered Nurse are available to administer medical services in collaboration with the University Medical Director.
The Health Service offers students basic accident and health care with appropriate medical consultation and referral to the student primary health care provider or a local professional for advanced care. There are no charges for services rendered in the Health Services. Vaccinations are not available.
Immediate health care after hours is available at local hospitals and urgent care clinics. Please be aware of your personal insurance plan requirements if you choose to seek non-urgent care at a location other than Illinois Wesleyan University Health Service or your primary physician.
In case of emergency, assistance may be reached by directly calling IWU's Campus Safety at 309-556-1111. Students residing on campus may also contact the Resident Assistant or Hall Director on call. The City of Bloomington Fire & Rescue charges a minimum of $250 for transportation to a local hospital.
Medical records are maintained by Arnold Health Service and must remain in the Health Service. Medical information is not released by any member of the Health Service Staff, either to parents, legal guardians, faculty, university administration or any other entity without written consent, except in a life threatening situation. Consistent care is exercised to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
Student Health Insurance
Basic Accident Insurance is provided by the university and covers all full time students
for the nine month academic year. In addition, all full time students are automatically
enrolled in a Hard Waiver insurance plan.
The University feels it is very important for the student to have insurance protection: therefore, PARTICIPATION IS REQUIRED UNLESS A WAIVER FORM IS FILED ON LINE PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE DATE. No exceptions will be made for waiver cards after the deadline. Any change to the student's health insurance coverage must be reported to the Business Office. As you evaluate your need for the student insurance plan, please be aware that some Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) provide very limited or no benefits for health care provided outside their immediate area of service.
Injuries and hospitalizations should be reported to the Health Service as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the insurance procedure. The insurance claim forms may be obtained in the Health Service.
Athletic Injury/Student Employee Injury
Intercollegiate athletes with an athletic injury should contact the University Team Trainer for appropriate medical referral and for assistance regarding the University insurance plan. Students employed by the University, who have a work related illness or injury, are encouraged to contact the Health Service for immediate care and assistance with insurance issues.
Absence, Medical and Involuntary Leave
When a student is ill or injured, treatment is available at Arnold Health Service
Monday through Friday during our regular office hours. Health Service does not provide
excuses for absences from classes or exams. Students are urged to contact their professors
in regards to their absence. If a student is ill at home, hospitalized or expects
to be absent for an extended period of time, please notify the Dean of Students Office.
Involuntary Leave of Absence
Illinois Wesleyan University provides a range of support services to address the medical needs of students, including mental health needs, within the context of the campus community. On occasion, students may experience health needs requiring a level of care that exceeds what the University can appropriately provide. In such circumstances, students may take a voluntary leave of absence.
In situations where a student is unable or unwilling to carry out substantial self-care obligations, where current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective evidence indicates that a student poses a significant risk to the health or safety of others, or where a student poses an actual risk to their own safety, and the student does not want to take a leave voluntarily, the Associate Dean of Students has the authority to place the student on a mandatory leave of absence. Examples of circumstances where this policy may be invoked include: suicidal threats; self-starvation or purging behavior; substance abuse or addiction; threats of harm to self or others; or disturbing, disruptive or destructive behavior. This policy will not be invoked unless the student’s behavior is of such a serious nature that the continued presence of the student at the university is judged to threaten the safety, well-being or health of that student and/or others in the Illinois Wesleyan community, or the ability of that student or others to engage in customary functions and activities at the university.
Before placing any student on a mandatory leave of absence, Illinois Wesleyan will do an individualized assessment to determine if there are reasonable accommodations that would permit the student to continue to participate in our campus community without taking a leave of absence. The individualized assessment may include documentation from member of the University community (counseling center, health services, faculty, etc) or qualified external evaluators (medical and mental health professionals). The Behavioral Intervention Team may be assembled to review the precipitating incidents, documentation and provide counsel to the Associate Dean.
In cases involving serious and imminent threat to the safety, well-being or health of the student or other members of the campus community, or to the ability of others in the university community to conduct their customary university functions and activities, the Associate Dean may take immediate action to remove the student from the university community. Written notification of an involuntary leave will be provided to the student. Decisions regarding involuntary leave must be appealed in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs within 24 hours of written notification. The leave will be in effect pending review by the Vice President of Student Affairs and decision rendered within 48 hours. The decision of the Vice President of Student Affairs is final.
Request for re-enrollment: When a student is placed on involuntary leave or accepts voluntary leave, a letter from the Associate Dean to the student will outline the conditions for re-enrollment. Conditions for re-enrollment are at the discretion of the administrator. If the leave was for health or medical reasons, the Associate Dean will work with the student’s healthcare team to confirm readiness to return, which may include requirements and/or guidance regarding treatment.
Communicable Illness
Illinois Public Health regulations mandate that individuals with communicable diseases not reside in group living environments; therefore, students diagnosed with diseases such as, but not limited to, measles, mumps, and chicken pox, will be required to recuperate at their home off campus. If the student is unable to return to their home the University will designate an on campus location for the duration of the illness if possible. A physician letter of release or the consent of the Health Service must be obtained prior to return to campus or classes.
Medical History and Immunization Requirements
All incoming students are required by State of Illinois law to produce a copy of their
immunization history to the university within six weeks of the first day of classes.
Failure to comply will cause the student's registration for second semester to be
place on HOLD. This information can be uploaded into the new patient portal which will be available
the summer of 2023.
Campus Safety
The mission of Campus Safety is to aid in the enforcement of all the rules and regulations of the University and provide for a safe and secure campus. It shall provide for the personal safety of all members of the University community and guests, their personal property, and the property of the University. Campus Safety shall provide 24-hour emergency response and patrol capability for the University community. Campus Safety shall provide for enforcement of University rules and regulations, residential safety and security, emergency response (injury, fire, weather, etc.), crime detention and investigation, building security and access, patrol services, special events, parking, ID., escorts, van safety, heating plant, lighting and emergency phones, training and miscellaneous services. It shall work closely and in harmony with the local police and non-police community service agencies. Campus Safety shall always be sensitive to the unique nature of a University community and serve in direct support of its goals. The Director of Campus Safety is also responsible for regulations regarding traffic and registration of motor vehicles. The Campus Safety office is located in the Memorial Center, 104 East University Street..
Emergency Telephones
"Blue Light" emergency phones are located throughout the campus and surrounding areas.
It is critical for personal safety that these phones be used appropriately; i.e.,
activated only in emergency situations. Several of these phones are constructed with
an on-campus phone. These phones may be used to call a friend or roommate to provide
you with an escort on-campus. The "Blue Light" feature, activated by striking the
large activation button on the unit, serves primarily as a deterrent to crime. In
the event that you feel or are threatened, activate the phone nearest to you and run
to the nearest location of safety. If you leave the area of the activated phone, please
contact Campus Safety by calling x1111 as soon as you are able to do so. Students
may request campus escort 24 hours per day by dialing x1111.
Parking on Campus
Parking rules and regulations are in place to maintain order on campus and ensure the safety of all members of the University community. It should be noted, however, that at certain times parking on campus is limited and a permit does not guarantee availability of a parking space. Your cooperation and adherence to the rules is appreciated by all who work, learn, and live at Illinois Wesleyan University.
All faculty, staff, and student vehicles parked on University property must be
registered with the Campus Safety Department and display a valid parking decal. Decals
are to be permanently affixed to the lower right hand corner of the front windshield.
There is no fee to register a vehicle and obtain a decal. Vehicles can be registered at the Campus Safety at the main desk in Memorial Center. The information needed to register a vehicle is your name, your local address or department, the make, model, year and color of the vehicle, the license plate number, state the license plate was issued and cellphone number. All vehicles parked on campus must be in operating condition with valid license plates. No vehicle can be stored on campus without permission from the Campus Safety Department.
- Faculty/Staff - park in Faculty/Staff designated lots.
- Students - park in Student designated lots only.
- Visitors - park in 5 visitor spots in the parking lot to the east of The Hansen Center. These spots are reserved for visitors to the University.
- Handicapped-Parking in any of the designated handicapped spaces is reserved for those individuals with Handicapped License Plates or placards issued by a governmental entity. Temporary handicapped permits may be issued by the Security Department. Approval by the University Nurse is required to obtain one of these permits. This permit allows the holder to park in the nearest available, legal, university parking space but not handicapped spaces.
- Temporary Stickers for any of the above classifications can be obtained at the Security Office.
The Office of Campus Safety will issue tickets for all violations occurring on University
Violations are written for:
1. Failure to Register Vehicle or Display Decal. The fine for this violation will be waived if the vehicle is registered within 96 hours of first ticket. Cars issued four tickets or more for this offence can be towed without further notice.
2. Parking in a Faculty/Staff Lot.
3. Parking in a restricted area. (i.e. overtime parking, visitor’s space, maintenance only, etc.)
4. Improper parking.
5. No parking zone.
6. Parking in a fire lane.
7. Parking in a Handicap Space. The fine is as posted.
8. Warning: Eligible to be towed. (Posted at the entrance to lot or vehicle has been issued four or more tickets for failure to register).
9. Driving on the Quad/or sidewalks (fine is $200).
The fines for all violations are $20 except driving on the Quad or sidewalks or parking in a Handicap spot. The fine for that violation is the fine posted on the Handicap spot. All appeals must be made to the Campus Safety Department within 96 hours of the issuance of a ticket. Vehicles parked in a Faculty/Staff parking lot that is posted at the entrance that don't have a valid Faculty/Staff decal displayed are subject to being towed without further notice. All fines are to be paid at the Business Office in Holmes Hall. A vehicle can also be towed for receiving four or more parking violations, obstructing traffic, parking in a fire lane, being in an unsafe condition or being stored without permission. All charges and expenses from towing or impoundment are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
Personal and Property Safety Tips
Ultimately, each individual is responsible for his or her safety and the safety of
his or her property. Community members are urged to travel in well-lit areas. Community
members are also urged to travel in twos, whenever possible. Always travel with your
head up and shoulders back. Try to make eye contact with other passers-by as you travel.
Studies show that persons who "walk like a victim" (head down, shoulders stooped)
are more likely to be victims of attacks than individuals walking with, and demonstrating,
a high level of confidence and self-esteem.
While the University is, overall, a safe community, incidents of crime do occur. Do not keep or store any items of value or importance in your car. Keep your backpack, purse, and any other personal items which you carry in your line of sight at all times. Report any suspicious looking people promptly to Security, your Residence Director and/or RA. Lock your bedroom door whenever it is unattended or you are asleep. Do not keep large sums of money in your room.

Prince Robertson - Dean of Students for Community Standards and Advocacy
Department - Dean Of Students