Advocacy Course Plans
Core course:
PSCI 202: Engagement and the City (required)
An introduction to the challenges of contemporary citizenship, the course teaches students the basic skills of action research. Students work in teams on projects with community partners. Students learn to conduct stakeholder analyses, locate communities in the context of power and social capital, complete “best practice” studies, and create and implement action plans. Sophomore standing recommended. Offered each spring.
Students select one of the three concentrations.
Pre-law education should be understood as requiring a broad training in reading, writing, and reasoning on a variety of public interested topics. Majors like English, history, economics, philosophy, sociology, and political science are all typical “pre-law” majors and the law schools at places like Harvard and Yale frequently take students from art, chemistry, mathematics, religion, and indeed all liberal arts majors. The advocacy minor with a pre-law concentration is thus a natural pair with any liberal arts major.
Capstone: BUS 349 Seminar in Management: Trial Class (required)
- PSCI 244 Voting, Voice, and Virtual Freedom in the Internet Age
- PHIL 305 Philosophy of Law
- PSCI 307 Constitutional Law: Judicial Review and Constitutional Interpretation
- BUS 355 Business Law I
- BUS 356 Business Law II
Nonprofit Management
Capstone: PSCI/SOC 395 Action Research Seminar (required)
- SOC 240 The Profession of Social Work
- SOC 362 Social Welfare and Human Services
- BUS 332 Marketing in Service Industries and Not-for-Profit management
- PSCI/SOC 396 Internship Seminar
- PSCI 397/SOC Internship in Administration
- PSCI/SOC 398 Grant Writing
Public Administration

Capstone: PSCI 396 City Internship (required)
- PSCI 101 American National Government
- PSCI 201 State and Local Government
- SOC 227 Social Statistics
- SOC 314 Communities and Urban Sociology
- PSCI 392 Empirical Political Research
- PSCI/SOC 398 Grant Writing
Other common electives
- ENST 200 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- PSCI 281 American Social Policy
- ECON 100 Introduction to Economics

Jim Simeone - Sally A. Firestone Professor in Peace and Social Justice, Professor of Political Science
Department - Political Science